I'm not your judge. I have no reason to doubt that you love Christ, which makes you a Christian in my book.
That doesn't mean I have to like the way you portray the Christian faith, though.
You are also welcome to your viewpoint. It's just the way that you express it, in such an abrupt and offensive manner, that I take issue with.
Folks are already bringing into question whether or not you are a troll, and using the abbreviation LT.
Now, I don't believe you are a troll (though you have certainly stirred up the waters, around here), but I do take exception to that kind of mistaken identity.
God will absolutely, undeniably, without a doubt,......REVEAL himself someday......but you DO NOT KNOW when, or if it will be on a personal level, or in some OTHER way.
I sometimes wonder if this wasn't just a personal thing, rather than an historical event.
But I'm like that - I wonder about stufff...