God does exist...

by czarofmischief 348 Replies latest jw friends

  • gumby

    Just wait till I git ta texas LT.....I'm gonna show ya I can do it. I'll fly around a bit for you guys and show you my stuff.

    Faith HAS to based on SOMETHING. What exactly is the Christian faith......BASED on?????

    Is it the bible story, or a personal "feeling" so strong you can't deny it? Is it something you have been TAUGHT to believe and so you believe it? What exactly is it BASED on?

    To put faith in something with no evidence however is something we ALL do. So......are believers any different? I'm so confused, .........aren't I

    I'm goin out and lettin some air out of my butt and going to fly around for awhile now.......bye bye.



  • LittleToe

    Hope is based on "faith".
    Having "faith" that is based on something is a misnomer, IMHO.
    It has a focus, but it is a foundation in it's own right.

  • Abaddon


    Ah! Abaddon steps in to state that which is already evident:

    I'm glad you agree my opinion (that you are arrogant person, with poor logical skills, who evades answering questions and knowingly publishes untruths) is already evident.

    Too easy...

    He would dispute whether God exists with God himself. And should God prove to you personally that it is he, how much time would pass before you would require another miracle, eh?

    Obviously if I had god 'sat' in front of me in conversation, I wouldn't dispute whether he existed; it is very funny how you accuse other people of stupidity then make statements (with one-eye on what you conceive as an admiring audience and one hand down your trousers praising yourself for your own 'cleverness') that reveal that insult is better applied to YOU. As if anyone who was really arguing with god would actually debate whether god existed!! I would, however, in such a circumstance make a mental inventory of any substances I had recently ingested that might give rise to hallucinations.

    Would you forget what He had done to answer your doubts?

    Again we see the utter vacuum that lies at the heart of presuppositionalism. You haven't proved god exists, yet ask me whether I have forgotten what he has done, when I don't believe in him and you've not proved him. This is the problem with you and your ilk. You assert god exists, but when confronted with facts that would mean something very probably doesn't exist in the real world, you still insist it does; as Prachett put it, your argument is 'turtles all the way down', just as some Creationists in a similar back-against-the-facts scenario will insist on the 'appearance of age' to allow them to maintain their foolishness. On top of this yopu build stupid little excuses why there's no proof, and ignore the fact your faith is as unfounded as all the other people who insist their religious faith is true.

    God used to be the best explanation we had. We now have better ones, and god has become something that requires an impossible amount of explaning, rather than actually being a solution. Yet, some people with their paradigms in the last millenia persist in 'godism' and even can't agree amongst themselves who god is and what he wants, which normally ends up with some nutter killing someone in the name of god... and the nice people who believe in god and would have none of this killing business simply wring their hands and say god wouldn't want it that way and contradict most of the ideas about god in the process.


    What of the others He had not done the same for?

    Oh, please talk sense, you're easy enough without tripping yourself up on your own syntax.

    Never. For Atheists make a sport of doubting God. No evidence is undeniable other than God personally proving himself to you, eh?

    Wrong... you elevate wrongness to an art... it's not about me, its about whether god exists (which can't be proved) and the logical arguments against god existing and not makiing this something that cam be proved.

    Here's your sign, Abaddon: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/12/67989/1062001/post.ashx#1062001

    If God himself appeared to non-believers, within a period of time there would be those disputing their account, as has been in days past, and is the case in our day. I am constantly amazed at the sheer gullibility of Atheists and Bible detractors, who decide they want to pursue a sinful lifestyle that is in conflict with Scriptural teachings.

    What rubbish. In days past, after a few days all you would have would be stories. Now, if god did prove himself, there would be reliable documentary evidence that no one could reasonably deny. This is a good reason why (e.g.) Jesus (or Muhamed) logically should have come now rather than then, and the reasons that god doesn't prove himself or Jesus et. al. doesn't come now are just the same tired old excuses that have been trotted out for centuries, exactly the same excuses that would be made up if it was all made up.

    When God is ready, he will undeniably reveal himself to all. Will that be judgement day? Perhaps. Or will it be a time He chooses to reveal Himself to each of us personally? Perhaps. Or in some other way or other time? Perhaps.

    Yes, proving you exists just before destroying someone for not believing you existed as there was no proof is always a sign of a loving creator... and you're making a prohecy here, which reveals exactly the type of person you are...

    I am not here to convince you of something I already know.

    Yeah, you 'know' it... like a four year-old knows Santa exists

    Why? Re-read what I wrote above- short of God's appearance or an undeniably divine miracle, you would apparently doubt God's existence.

    Wrong. The Bible actually being accurate would. The creation myth could easily have been couched in terms incomprehensible to those receiving it that would reveal that it WAS inspired in later days. If prophecy can use this format, why not the creation story? Instead of a clever account that only becomes comprehensible with the dawn of real science, we have something that is exactly as one would expect it to be if written in the period by a man making up stories about the start of time.

    Most beliefs stem from faith. Atheism is no different. We all individually put faith in something(s).

    No, you put your faith in nothing other than an idea. I am convinced there is no god in the manner you describe, unless it's a monster, and my conviction stems from evidence, not faith.

    Choose wisely.

    Oh, more threats... keep it up Loves_Truth, the way you give god a bad name only serves to make my point...

  • frankiespeakin

    I would just like to say:

    I mean they are both imaginary, so do you think this jehovah god dude, you know he is so jealous, so pouting, so insecure that he needs our worship to be made whole. And he likes to pick on persons way smaller than himself(Bully). I don't know about you but I sometimes feel a little good when a bully get what is coming to him.

    Do you think he would get his ass(bum out of respect for the Brits) kicked to an inch of his life by the likes of Thor the Mighty God of Thunder????

    Or what about some of these anglo gods, I bet they put a hurten on this jeho-bubba???

  • Love_Truth

    Most beliefs stem from faith. Atheism is no different. We all individually put faith in something(s).

    I see I struck a nerve with this comment. First, there are beliefs that do not require faith (arguably, at least) such as ?molecules are composed of atoms?. This is readily observable.

    There are other beliefs, such as belief in an unseen spirit, which are not readily observable. Further, I believe that I could successfully prove that most beliefs are not readily observable (though they may be based on readily observable facts).

    I have known many atheists (I used to date one, and frequently have discussions with others as well, in my travels), and I find there are those who have never believed in God, while others used to believe in God.

    Of those that have never believed, and those who used to belive, I have found that they believe in something which they place their faith in. It may be a philosophy, it may be themselves, it may be a book(s) written by a well respected and intelligent writer, it may be (whatever). But they believe, and hence have faith, in something.

    Patio wrote:

    Atheism is equivalent to non-religious for me. There is no belief system . There is an absence of belief or faith.

    We can argue about the meaning of ?faith?, then. The American Heritage Dictionary defines it thusly:



    1. Confident belief in the truth, value, or trustworthiness of a person, idea, or thing .
    2. Belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence. See Synonyms at belief. See Synonyms at trust.
    3. Loyalty to a person or thing; allegiance: keeping faith with one's supporters.
    4. often Faith Christianity. The theological virtue defined as secure belief in God and a trusting acceptance of God's will.
    5. The body of dogma of a religion: the Muslim faith.
    6. A set of principles or beliefs.

    Definitions 1 and 6 above settle the matter.

    To state that one who is willing to change their views on a conclusion does not have ?faith?, while one who is unwilling to do so has ?faith? is an irrational statement. Instead of ?faith?, substitute the phrases ?open-minded? and ?close-minded? and the statement becomes rational.

    Whether we are willing to consider all evidence has no bearing on whether we are talking about ?faith?. Yes, an evolutionist does put faith in what they see as the most likely conclusion, or belief, as to how things came into existence.

    Not believing in God means you believe, and put faith in, something(s) else.


    It's just the way that you express it, in such an abrupt and offensive manner, that I take issue with .

    And if I am offended by your PC, feel good, all accepting manner, so be it. I do not quibble over it. Christianity is not supposed to be a popularity contest. It?s about telling it like it is. Jesus was not accepted by many, only the few, and he warned that the way to salvation was narrow and cramped, and not many would gain access.

    Folks are already bringing into question whether or not you are a troll, and using the abbreviation LT. Now, I don't believe you are a troll (though you have certainly stirred up the waters, around here), but I do take exception to that kind of mistaken identity.

    I am not a troll. What ?folks bring into question? is their inability to listen to a differing viewpoint without being offended by it. Do you think I am not offended by many of the viewpoints I?ve seen on JWD? Who cares? Not me. That?s a mature adult view of the world. As a wise man once said: ? opinions are like a**holes, everbody has one?. I?m Love_Truth (L_T), you?re LittleToe (LT), there?s no need for squabbling over monikers, or imaginary ?mistaken identity? now is there? If I?ve ?stirred up the waters?, that?s a good thing, right? I?ve read very many posts on JWD talking about how boring many felt it had become. Looks like I?m part of the solution, not the problem, then. If you want everyone to agree with you, it?s simple enough- don?t truly believe in anything. No, that won?t work either, because folks like me will disagree with that viewpoint, lol.

    Perhaps I should have called myself ?hornets nest? in view of the occasional disagreements with my viewpoint? Nope, I think not- besides, that moniker?s already taken.

    I?ve got no problem with you or any other poster here- we?re all here to express our opinions, and endeavor to enlighten others with our own uniquely brilliant insights, eh?


    It amuses me when religious people claim science is "faith." Nothing could be further from the truth.

    By the above definitions (1 & 6), science requires ?faith?, or belief, in the current conclusion. That the conclusion can change in the face of new evidence is no different than Christian ?faith? (at least this Christian?s faith).


    OK. Now, back to the statement: ?God does exist?. Yep, He does, absolutely. And if?n yud all checked these here links out, you?d find answers to a lot of the objections non-believers raise regularly, in this thread and elsewhere:



    Now, I never intend to offend anyone. I don?t believe anyone else intends to offend either. I have been offended by what others have written, and others have been offended by what I have written. I don?t think it necessary that we stop stating our opinions, no matter how conservative, liberal, Politically Correct, or non-PC they may be, as long as the writer is doing their best to be tactful (yes, there is a difference between tact and PC).

    We?re all human, and we all fall short of the glory of God.

    Love_Truth- Carry on, then.

    P.S.- Abaddon, I'll get to your post next (after I read it).

  • drwtsn32
    Yep, He does, absolutely.

    I must have missed your proofs.

    If God does exist, and she/he/it certainly may, I have faith (I believe) that it is not the God found in the Christian bible.

  • rem


    Your dictionary games (appeal to authority? lol) are tiresome. Where did you learn this technique? Sixth grade?

    All this time we have been discussing "faith" we've been using the word as described in definition number two. The fact that the word "faith" has multiple definitions does not give you license to go off on a red herring and apply an alternate definition of the word to atheists. I hope you don't think yourself overly clever, you little bastard.


    1. A child born out of wedlock.
    2. Something that is of irregular, inferior, or dubious origin.
    3. Slang. A person, especially one who is held to be mean or disagreeable.

    Note that I used "bastard" as described in definition #3. I hope (gasp, have faith?) you won't object on grounds that you weren't born out of wedlock. (I don't really think you are a bastard... at least I'd never call you that to your face. You look like you could beat my ass) :)

    Note, that I have no problem applying the word "faith" to myself as it stands in definitions 1 and 6. But that's not what we've been discussing this whole time, is it.


  • bebu


    Appealing to Peter's character, or "boanerges" (sons of thunder) to pass off your nasty temper is groundless. You are fooling only yourself!Don't forget the Jesus rebuked Peter, John, and James--Peter was called 'satan', John and James for focusing on power. Jesus also warned that not everyone calling him "Lord" would be recognized by him. James wrote " You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that--and shudder."

    Truth without love is like a square wheel. Love without truth is like watery jello. Truth holds us up, but love makes us beautiful. We know the bones are there because the rest of the body stands up and to look beautiful.

    "The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control."

    "By your fruits you will know them."

    "God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble." (Not doormats, I add.)

    Humility is a foundation for real Christian growth. So is love. They are hard to see in your character here, especially with all the name-calling you do, and it is truly venomous. I'm calling you on that.

    If you LOVE TRUTH (as your user name implies), then you will also know better about LOVE (not watery stuff that passes for love), and not be offended by the truths above.


    PR 27:5 Better is open rebuke than hidden love.

  • Love_Truth


    I'm glad you agree my opinion?.

    I never agreed with your opinion, nor is your conclusion evident. You know what I was getting at, and. I won?t repeat myself. ?Nuff said.

    Obviously if I had god 'sat' in front of me in conversation, I wouldn't dispute whether he existed? I would, however, in such a circumstance make a mental inventory of any substances I had recently ingested that might give rise to hallucinations.

    It?s not the point whether you would dispute God to his face, it?s that afterwards, IMO, you would rationalize in your mind that it must have been a hallucination, or some other way to ?explain away? God.

    Again we see the utter vacuum ... You haven't proved god exists, yet ask me whether I have forgotten what he has done, when I don't believe in him and you've not proved him?.

    You?re playing games, Abaddon. We?ve been to this movie before, and I?ve already stated many of my reasons for believing. You feel it is your duty to dispute others beliefs? Fine, go ahead and dispute- neither can you prove your beliefs are any more trustworthy. I don?t expect that I?ll change your mind- it is too convinced of it?s superiority. Incidentally, the hypothetical situation I raised was just that- hypothetical. It all boils down to this- you take a view based on your ?choice? evidence and conclusions available today. So do I- yet I include the knowledge that nearly all sciences and beliefs have been proven in error, to one degree or another, as time marches on. Your dogmatic views remind me of those who believed the Sun revolved around the Earth, simply because that was the popularly held belief at the time. You, Abaddon, may think yourself the heart of the universe, but there are many who would disagree with you for good reason. Simply because your belief system hasn?t been proven wrong doesn?t make it any more ?right? than mine. Neither can be irrefutably proven. But I repeat myself?

    God used to be the best explanation we had. We now have better ones, and god has become something that requires an impossible amount of explaning, rather than actually being a solution. Yet, some people with their paradigms in the last millenia persist in 'godism' and even can't agree amongst themselves who god is and what he wants, which normally ends up with some nutter killing someone in the name of god...

    God still is the best explanation we have . (We obviously define ?we? differently). There are no ?better ones? just different ones, all requiring ? an impossible amount of explaining, rather than actually being a solution?. Evolutionists, physicists, chronologists, archaeologists, etc can?t agree amongst themselves, why hold theists to a different standard? And ?some nutter? kills both ?in the name of God? and for many other reasons. Yours is a specious argument if there ever were one.

    Oh, please talk sense, you're easy enough without tripping yourself up on your own syntax. Wrong... you elevate wrongness to an art... it's not about me, its about whether god exists (which can't be proved) and the logical arguments against god existing and not makiing this something that cam be proved. What rubbish. In days past, after a few days all you would have would be stories. Now, if god did prove himself, there would be reliable documentary evidence that no one could reasonably deny. This is a good reason why (e.g.) Jesus (or Muhamed) logically should have come now rather than then, and the reasons that god doesn't prove himself or Jesus et. al. doesn't come now are just the same tired old excuses that have been trotted out for centuries, exactly the same excuses that would be made up if it was all made up.

    More of Abaddon?s game playing. Neither can you irrefutably prove your views. So I have ?tired old excuses? and you have ?new excuses?. Give me a break! You are a broken record!

    When God is ready, he will undeniably reveal himself to all. Will that be judgement day? Perhaps. Or will it be a time He chooses to reveal Himself to each of us personally? Perhaps. Or in some other way or other time? Perhaps.

    Yes, proving you exists just before destroying someone for not believing you existed as there was no proof is always a sign of a loving creator... and you're making a prohecy here, which reveals exactly the type of person you are...

    Note to Abaddon- grasp your ears firmly and pull head out of your arse. Perhaps means I do not know, it?s hypothetical, period. No prophecy whatsoever. Re-read as necessary.

    Wrong. The Bible actually being accurate would. The creation myth could easily have been couched in terms incomprehensible ? we have something that is exactly as one would expect it to be if written in the period by a man making up stories about the start of time.

    The Bible is accurate. Creation is not a myth. You have doubts that you adopt and put forth as facts. You have proven nothing other than that you have an opinion.

    Most beliefs stem from faith. Atheism is no different. We all individually put faith in something(s).

    No, you put your faith in nothing other than an idea. I am convinced there is no god in the manner you describe, unless it's a monster, and my conviction stems from evidence, not faith.

    My conviction stems from evidence as well. And, like you and everyone else on this planet, I put faith in something(s).

    Choose wisely.

    Oh, more threats... keep it up Loves_Truth, the way you give god a bad name only serves to make my point...

    ?Choose Wisely? is not a threat. Since when is it? Are you paranoid or just delusional?

    I have no problem agreeing to disagree with you, you self righteous, atheist blowhard. You remind me of another poster named ?Abandoned?. I'm not saying you are him mind you, I just find it funny how two such similar people can actually come across as normal and likable (on other threads) once they stop talking about their hatred of God and religion! That's a compliment by the way...

    Editors note: lest the casual observer think my language here harsh: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/15/68203/1066241/post.ashx#1066241

  • patio34

    Thank you Little Toe, but really the "sweet" is my persona that I work on, because I'm . . . not . . . often. Thanks! You too .

    Thanks Rem for clarifying the "argument by definition." I think most, if not all, here agree that #2 definition applies to this context. Of course, not every definition of a word applies to every time the word is used! What nonsense! Actually, the Watchtower is famous for use of the definition argument. It is the CONTEXT that determines which definition is applicable.

    If posters let the discussion deteriorate into semantics and specious definitions, then what's the use of continuing it. So, I say to LovesT, you're effectively ending the conversation.


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