I still think that "submitting the ego" is the key. Whether that's to a personalised object, or just an internalised change, it seems to be a factor in all the cases that I've thusfar discovered.
I'm not sure what "cases" you are talking about? If it is "people getting the spirit", then I have to say that from my experience, you, Ross, are one of the very few people (cases) I've come across who could be accused of making an attempt to keep their ego in check, and it's allowed you to go from a "crazy" situation, to a mostly sane guy. You could easily have gone down another path you know. Well, perhaps not easily, perhaps this is just the real Ross, and it's what comes naturally. And as I've watched you do that over the past many months, I've seen your (dogma) host far fewer (tics) ~ to the point that it is unrecognisable in comparison to where you started. I see that as a good thing.
oops. Rereading your comment, I see that you are speaking of "submitting the ego.... to a personalised object, or... internalised change". I still wonder what you mean by "cases"? Also, wouldn't "submitting the ego" to a personalised object just be sorta silly? I mean, how the hell is that really submitting the ego at all? Just the opposite, it seems to me. Cross your legs, put on a diaper (please!) and enlighten me, fatboy!