Last nite I had a talk with a friend of mine on her beliefs of the mysteries of life, death, other life on planets , God, Jesus, etc. She really believes in some of the things she said, others things she is speculating on she admitted.... I admired her open mind to not thinkng she has all the answers. She is not a Christain she said.
My son and husband sat up for along time, comparing notes , debating on comparing what the Bible says, what scientific evidence, historical evidence says, regarding Jesus. Basically we all agree there was a man named Jesus,,,,,,,,but to PROVE that he was the Son of God,,,,,,,is just basically the opinons of other men.
Some say they have had experiences , spiritiual awakenings , dreams , or whatever where they KNOW what they believe. I believe this has to do with faith. But you really don't have concrete absolute truth on anything.
Being raised a JW,,,,,,,,,we had the answers spood feed to us , all of the answers, so it was just natural to THINK that we can know all the answers if we just study. After leaving JW's , I studied different things and compared things to the Bible and was totally lost as to what I believe. The first thing is I can't trust the Bible as a reliable book of total truth. Maybe some of these things happened, maybe they were exaggerated. So....... I go to history........ some historians state the things that Jesus was said to do........others say he was just SAID by his followeres to have done these things and the things he did were not as miraculous as the Bible says they were.
So darn, the conflicts are all over the place,,,,,,,there is no written thing I have found yet , to believe, because it was all written by men, who have their own personal agenda or beliefs.
Some say there is a God, a Higher Power, some say there is not one, and they can prove it, both sides of the debate .
I really don't think anyone can prove anything. Can you even trust your own gut feelings? Can you trust a spiritual awakening,,,,,could it be emotionalism? I guess a person has faith and that is about all I feel you can go with. But it seems too hard to convince someone eles on your basis for belief, most likely it is really impossible , IMO.
I don' t have faith in anything really ,,,,,not yet anyway. I may never. I think if I ever do,,,,,,,,it will not be anything I have read,,,,,I doubt I will ever accept any written word as truth ever again.
I have a feeling I may be this way for the rest of my life.........not having one belief one way or the other. If I begin to believe there is a God, then my mind reminds me of reason I think there can't be a God. If there is life after death in some other way, other than Christain beliefs,,,,,I don't understand it.
Goshhhhhhhh, thinking of all of it is exhausting. Like an never ending game of ping pong.
So what do you you ,since leaving JW,,,,,,,,feel you have some answers?,,,,none at all..?...and how did you come to your present feelings on the mysteries of life? are you stuck in limbo land of the unknown?