Thank you very much for your info, however, what I was talking about was not about a translation by another exJW, I already did this for a Spanish Site.
My idea was to have the UN translate their own letter into Spanish and place it in their own site, so that Spanish-speaking JWs would have no doubts as to the origin of the letter.
Another point is that the link you provided does not take me to Randy´s site.
I haven't read every post on this thread, but if I may interject this one response:
Objection:It's no big deal. Possible Response: Wrong! This is a VERY big deal. For decades, the Watchtower harped on about how the United Nations (and previously the League of Nations) were both essentially manifestations of Satan, or THE HARLOT. They don't paint a very pretty picture of the UN in their literature, pre-1992. After that, all of a sudden, they started to talk about how wonderful the UN's various programs are, and at regular intervals! Isn't it odd how you have to re-apply once a year to be a UN NGO? And that they would've needed material to show the UN each year, proving that they were still worth of being an NGO? The Governing Body definitely knew about the whole thing - it wasn't just the doing of one man. All of the highest-ranking Witnesses had to know about it, in order for such drastic changes to have been made to the publications.
Wouldn't it be interesting if a currently active JW happened to have made that very observation in the course of a recent conversation?
Objection: Are Jehovah's Witnesses an NGO member of the UN now, at this time? I think you are making a mountain out of a molehill. Response: Are you suggesting that your response would have been different if you learned of it during the association, in 2001?
The terrible thing here is that, no matter how good an argument is - and if I do say so myself, the objector is nearing intellectual checkmate here - it still can have no effect on someone who is determined not to see.
Sigh. I have hopes for a few friends, but alas! What a difficult thing it is to leave the Tower!