Woman charged with murder after refusing C-section

by sunshineToo 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • detective

    I'm with Saint Satan on this one. I find what this woman may have done very, very distressing, but even more so, I don't like the direction this type legal proceeding is heading.

  • nilfun

    I wonder what would have happened if she was informed of the fact that she would possibly be facing life in prison if one or both of her babies died due to her non-compliance?

    I wonder if anyone thought she might need some kind of psych evaluation when she allegedly said "she would rather "lose one of her babies than be cut like that." ?

    So many questions. So many things we'll probaby never know


    (cross posted...I'm thinking along the same lines as Lady Lee)

  • Badger

    The kid may be better off than having been raised by this woman.

    That said, I hate to see this get taken to further extremes under Ashcroft. Will miscarriages get criminal investigations?

  • Sara Annie
    Sara Annie

    Let's say for a moment she had been a beauty queen. Would her actions then be excusable? Absolutely not. She chose, with foreknowledge of the probable result, to let her child die rather than have a scar on her abdomen. Lock her up.

    As for prosecuting women for the choices they knowingly make during pregnancy that cause harm to their unborn children when they are choosing to carry them to full term--lock them up too. If they are voluntarily continuing a pregnancy while engaging in activities where the risks to the baby are known to them, they are culpable. There was a Law & Order the other night on this subject concerning a mother who repeatedly consumed alcohol during her pregnancy. She had previously had a child with fetal alcohol syndrome and continued to drink during a current pregnancy she fully intended to carry to term. She is not trustworthy to make decisions for the child she has decided to carry to term.

  • Sassy
    Let's say for a moment she had been a beauty queen. Would her actions then be excusable? Absolutely not.

    no.. you are correct about that..

  • bebu

    Concern about image is what led her to choose to avoid the C-section. Such concern is an amazingly strong motivator, and shored up by all media today. It's not hard to see how a mentally handicapped person could be influenced even further.

    It's a tragedy.


  • RunningMan

    I have a question: What is the difference between her and a JW?

    This woman's stupidity caused the death of a child. She is now charged with murder. Yet, stupidity with a religious twist, even to the extent of death, has been successfully defended in court. I have never heard of a JW charged with the murder of their child. The only difference between her and a JW, is that her stupidity is not hiding behind the shield of religion.

    And one more: Why didn't the doctors get a court order like they would in the case of a terminally ill JW child?

  • Stefanie

    I know this coment is a little off, but in some places they offer drug users money to get tubal ligations. I think that is a good idea. Even though there is so much controversy about the issue I think thats the way it could be handled.

  • Scully

    It never ceases to amaze me how irrational and unreasonable people can be. I have also seen patients who were unwilling to have a c-section for cosmetic reasons. In one instance, when the stakes were getting too high (baby was becoming very distressed), the doctor called the patient's bluff and put a Refusal of Treatment form in front of her to sign regarding the c-section and said he was not going to take any responsibility for the death of her baby because the mother and father had been very strongly advised to have the c-section.

    When it became apparent that they would not be able to claim malpractice in the event of the baby's demise, they consented to the c-section. The delay resulted in the baby being very sick for a long time.

    For most patients, a c-section only makes a very small incision at the bikini line, and even a classical incision (vertical) with a beautiful healthy baby is far better a result than a dead baby that will weigh on your conscience until the day you die.

    But what the hell do I know? I'm just a nurse.

    Love, Scully

  • Xena

    Two other children living with their grandparents, one twin dead due to her not wanting a c-section and the surviving twin taken away due to endangerment...

    I don't know about jail but you have to wonder if there isn't a way to keep people like this from having kids??? You need a license to drive a car but can have kids and just abuse them and throw them away...how much sense does that make? I know I know where do you draw the line...but it just seems like SOMETHING should be done, you know???

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