Woman charged with murder after refusing C-section

by sunshineToo 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • talesin


    I agree with you about the mental illness, we do not know the facts of the case. We only know what the media is choosing to report. And in Salt Lake City (mormon cult capital of the world) at that.

    As for Lepine (said gently), did you know he was neither old, nor a professor, he was a 25 year old who had been rejected by the University's School of Engineering and the military, and blamed it on affirmative action for women. Raised by an abusive mother, if I remember correctly.

    Was he ill? Yes, the guy suicided. He was sick, one would have to be to mass murder 14 people.

    But so are KKK members who don white outfits and murder African Americans. They, too, are mentally ill and have a pathological hatred of other races. One would have to be crazy to believe, in this day and age, that someone's skin colour makes them inferior to you. Do I feel pity for them? Yes. Empathy? No.

    The purpose of memorializing this date is, imho, not to remember him, but that hate crimes are still perpetrated on women simply because of their gender.

    Marc Lepine, 25, separated the men from the women and before opening fire on the classroom of female engineering students he screamed, "I hate feminists." Almost immediately, the Montreal Massacre became a galvanizing moment in which mourning turned into outrage about all violence against women.

    (quote from CBC News Radio, found via google *marc lepine*)

    December 1989

    (I hope that didn't come off as yelling, or poke at your sore spots, jgnat.)

    A human tragedy, on all sides. This story is as well.


  • Sara Annie
    Sara Annie

    Why can't I see this thread beyond my own last response? It's freaking me out! I'm posting this to see if it helps at all with the view...

  • Will Power
    Will Power

    That is well put running man. like what I was trying to say only I'm so bad at it.

    The other spin is if this woman is mentally ill, give her a break....

    Where a JW stands proud and says they are making their own choices with a clear mind - so that child must die.

    Heck the JW even pre-meditates!


  • Mary
    I don't know about jail but you have to wonder if there isn't a way to keep people like this from having kids??? You need a license to drive a car but can have kids and just abuse them and throw them away.......it just seems like SOMETHING should be done, you know???

    I agree 100%. People with severe mental illness like this lunatic should have to be fixed so that they cannot have children. Sorry if this sounds too harsh, but people with severe mental illnesses are not capable of being responsible parents and more often than not, their kids end up dead. Remember Andrea Yates? She schizophrenic, was breeding kids like rabbits, snaps and ends up killing them all.

  • freedom96

    She had been to several hospitals, and they all told her that she needed a c-section NOW!!

    She flat out told at least one hosptial that she would rather let one of the babies die than have the scar.

    Lock her up, and throw away the key.

    Self absorbed ugly ass bitch.

  • Sara Annie
    Sara Annie
    The other spin is if this woman is mentally ill, give her a break....

    I suppose that all depends on what "give her a break" means. If you mean she shouldn't be incarcerated in a standard prison, I'm with you. If you feel we should pat her on the head, tell her it isn't her fault and encourage her to seek help, I disagree.

    If she is mentally ill enough to make such a decision she needs immediate, involuntary treatment--and that means that she will likely need to be incarcerated in some capacity.

  • Simon

    Funny isn't it, people get away with putting themselves and their babies at risk during childbirth for the blood issue because some anonymous old guy in brooklyn that they don't know and will never meet wrote it in a magazine or book x years ago.

    I think it's right that someone should stand up for the rights of the child and try and protect them. Parents who put them at risk for no reason should pay the penalties.

    Cosmetics and religious dogma are not real reasons IMO.

  • wednesday

    I actually had a reverse situation happen to me long time ago. I was an active JWS and carrying a large baby.. I went into labor and the doc let me suffer through very difficult birth that resulted in me haivng to have major repairs 18 months later. The baby was breech and b/c i would not take blood, the doc would not do a c-section . He did not even tell me i was breech until we were in the middle of birth. my baby was not seriously harmed, but his genitals were terribly swollen and we had to delay circumsition for months. If a doc did that today, he would have been sued. But the doc i had was willing to risk the baby and harm my health b/c of blood. Today even JW sue docs for incompentent treatment. But back then, we didn't sue. (over the blood issue). I most certainly should have had a c-section but the doc never offerred one, and i was so young (teenager) and did not kinow what was happening. he was afraid i'd bleed with a c-section so rather than do one he risked both my life and my babies life and i delivered a huge breech infant. Thank Gawd all turned out well for my baby, but i had to have 2 surgeries to to put me back together, and still feel the effects from that today.

  • Mary
    Lock her up, and throw away the key. Self absorbed ugly ass bitch.

    So Freedom, what are you tryin' ta say? Don't hold back.....say what you really think about her!!

  • waiting
    I have a question: What is the difference between her and a JW?

    This woman's stupidity caused the death of a child. She is now charged with murder. Yet, stupidity with a religious twist, even to the extent of death, has been successfully defended in court. I have never heard of a JW charged with the murder of their child. The only difference between her and a JW, is that her stupidity is not hiding behind the shield of religion.

    And one more: Why didn't the doctors get a court order like they would in the case of a terminally ill JW child? -running man

    Great post - thanks, running man. If women refuse to help their children live.............then what reasons are acceptable? Why is an obscure religion's erroneous belief (JW's) ok (and who decides that btw).............but this woman was not? And I definitely agree she was totally wrong....but I believe that about JW's also, but they're allowed to refuse what medical treatment they have for themselves & their children. And why no court order by the hospitals involved? Btw, my daughter just delivered a wonderful boy after a long day of labor, and then a c-section, 5 days ago. Both mother & child are doing marvelously well. She said *if* she had to have this happen again (baby) - she was just going to schedule a c-section next time.


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