What Nations? There were no "nations" at the time of apostle Paul.
carmel of the political science class
by AGuest 52 Replies latest jw friends
What Nations? There were no "nations" at the time of apostle Paul.
carmel of the political science class
What do you think that "judgement" is?
For it is that that scares so many off...
I think you missed the part about not eating and drinking prior to the event . It is supposed to be an actual supper according to the apostle paul . The WTBTS completely screws up this event , I would not even bother taking it seriously the way they do things . IMO it only applies to active male ministers . I think the way the WTBTS does it makes the sacrements into an idol . I think it is supposed to take place once a year just like the jews celebrated passover but that is the only thing the WTBTS got right on that one . I went and bought some wheat flower and made some unleven bread the way it is supposed to be made and also discovered the stuff they are using does not resemble the wheat bread , I think they use other kinds of flower which again I feel the wheat is the important factor in it . It's actually not bad tasting you can put honey or jelly on it and it is healthy. I just don't get the part about the great crowd observing and not participating as the WTBTS insists.
Shelbmeister! I promise I have been wondering where you have been. I figured you hooked up with some big good lookin beasterd like me, and was too busy romancin each other or sumpin It's nice to have you back.......but I'm still gonna pick on your stuff.....so here I go.
Once again, the spirit of my Lord is upon me to call to the Household of God, Israel, and all those that 'go with' them...
I guess we're the household of god and you can 'call on us', but I don't know how yer gonna call on Israel and their friends unless you give them a call on the phone.
Will you yet again let PASS BY you the "true food" and "true drink", given on behalf of ALL mankind who are "wishing, thirting, and hearing", and by means of which one can come into "union" with God (through Christ)?
All of mankind might have been died for through christ, .......but most of them don't even know it.You said ALL of mankind is "wishing,thirsting, and hearing about christ? How about those who nothing of him? Millions of them! These ones I speak of have been died for and don't even know it because nobody has told them. Simple.
"I... am the LIVING bread...
that came down out of heaven;
If ANYONE eats of THIS bread...
he will live... FOREVER; and, for a fact,
the bread that I shall give...
IS MY FLESH... in behalf of the life...
I don't know of one individual who has ever continued to live who ate the bread and wine. They all die. If they die and join him in spirit as you might say.....then he would have said "even though they die, they will live again". He said they would NEVER die. He also said to some who stood next to him that they would NEVER taste death......yet their bodies were buried. That either or lie or he never said it. K.....I'm through pickin on ya now and I'll give you a big warm hug, a kiss on the cheek(face cheek), and a present, coffee, a beer, and a rose.
(whens the last time a guy gave you THAT much stuff.....huh?)
Anyone who begins a post with words like this.
Once again, the spirit of my Lord is upon me to call to the Household of God, Israel, and all those that 'go with' them...
May you all have peace!
Very soon now, another time of "offering" will be upon you. Many of you will again attend an annual "ceremony" where the blood and flesh of Christ will be offered to you. By the spirit of my Father, the Holy One of Israel, JAH OF ARMIES, granted to me by my His Son and Christ, my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, I must again ask you...
and ends with words like this.
A TRUE servant to the Household of God, Israel, and to ALL those that go with them, and a TRUE slave of Christ, by means of an anointing with holy spirit,
Just does notget my attention I skip the posting.
To me its the sound of a pompous self-righteous person.
The sound of the Watchtower.
aniron--- We've been trying to talk him down from that high possition of his for a long time . Good God some people around here have a complex .........
Heathen you bastard, AGuest...."Shelby", is a good lookin foxy little lady....not a guy.
Shel is a gal, and a kindhearted one at that. The style in which she writes may appear "self-righteous" to you, but I'm certain that is not the intention.
She writes to "those with ears to hear" of the "household of God, Israel".
If you don't view yourself as being the recipient of that, then there's no need to respond.
However, I'm sure she'd love for you to be a recipient.
Each of us have our own way of putting things. Now and then it's a good idea to cut folks some slack, IMHO
A little 'off' topic:
I went and bought some wheat flower and made some unleven bread the way it is supposed to be made and also discovered the stuff they are using does not resemble the wheat bread , I think they use other kinds of flower which again I feel the wheat is the important factor in it . It's actually not bad tasting you can put honey or jelly on it and it is healthy
1st. what IS the memorial date?
2nd. If I wanted to celebrate the 'Last Supper' at home -- what is the Recipe for the bread ?
Also, no offense to anyone, but, I tend to avoid super long posts where theres's a lot of scriptures listed to try and support a particular 'theory'. I had too much of that in the dubs and could care less now. That is just my opinion, but, I believe the majority here may feel the same. A shorter post that gets to the point quickly, is better than one where us feeble-minded one 'get lost' as to what the point is.
Opinions are like arseholes -- everybody's got one !
thank you for this post