Thank you - great interview.
It's been hard to get on the board this week - march break & all. This has helped.
I hope you do publish a "book or two". and as you mentioned, there are many forms of abuse, physical, sexual, emotional, spiritual, financial..... all leave the victims changed for life.
Publishers (like the WT) would have trouble with the internet as competition. (LOL) But when the aim is to HELP and not be a CASH COW, the complimentary internet exposure is not only a great marketing tool (if you want to look at it that way) but an expansion and enhancement of the writer's personality and conviction. This is the mission statement of a small town publisher feeding a very large audience.
You are right about ...Not much out there for men...and because they are men/boys the approach etc should be different - catering to their way of thought processes.
And on the flip side - just think if the abuser got just as much counselling as the victim.
times up