ist time!

by lee 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • mouthy

    Lee Welcome & a (((HUG)) Yes I know just how you feel. I was Df in 1987 because I didnt believe Jesus came invisbly in 1914,.. I was devastated....Thought Jehovah Had kicked me out of the Ark....Wanted to die....There wasnt anything like this board when I was "ousted' so I thought I was the only wicked one in"the world" THEN!!!!!! I found some other EX JWs !!! It was Marvalous!!!

    Hang around here my friend!! Dont think your being disloyal to your parents. I am one that MADE my kids JWs> That was the worst thing I have done - I still have a daughter there & grandchildren. Just keep your nose clean ( Not to indulging in the booze) otherwise they say that is the reason you left...

    We have mostly all felt like your feeling!!!! So pull up a chair & tell us how we can help....By the way I am the Granny on board.... So I do tend to ramble ((((hug)) forgive me ...

  • Celtic

    No, it's not just you. Many of us have been through very similar, even years later, some feelings still will not totally dissipate. Life is like that for all, regardless of what they were brought up in, you're certainly not alone in asking these questions. And why do you ask them? Because you value yourself and the relationships around you too, because you ARE a valuable individual in your OWN right.

    I'm probaly not the best one to help you in your healing times these days, I used to be better at helping others at one time, these days though, I've ended up tad cantankerous, and boy, last Saturnights drinking, whoweee.

    Anyway, here you will find opportunity to make many new friends, be cautious with some, though there will always be many others with your best interests at heart at all times.

    With empathy, much kindness and a gentler spirit, look forward to better, good times ahead.

    Best wishes

    Celtic Mark

  • Celtic

    Btw, this is Granny Grace, a humongously huggable granny if ever I knew one, hugs (((Aunty Mouthy)))


  • mouthy

    OH!!! I just got on line !cos I saw your name Celtic- I am off to bed. With a big thanks for making my day end in such a 'comfy" way!!!!

    I truly love YA Celtic((((HUG))

    See Little newbie!!!! what nice relationships we have on here ...Stay & soak up the kind remarks ((HUG)) for you too!!!

  • Kenneson



  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    From one Lee to another

    I stayed for years to please my mother. It almost drove me to suicide.

    I married a new brother because my mother told me to. I married out of duty not love. That was an abusive marriage and only became worse once he became an elder.

    Staying for the sake of others who offer conditional love hurts. And in the long run I think it hurts more than leaving and becoming free.

    Welcome Lee

    Lady Lee

  • lee

    Well arent i amazed, so many responses, thank you, thank you!! i admit i left the site in a panic the first night - i felt Sooo guilty for even being there, find it diff when the word "cult" is used "that was my life for over 30 years, thats who my parents are, is it really that bad,?" beginning to see I may be in denial! I just dont want to hate everything in it for for sake of it, including my parents, they are victims too and ARE trying to compromise, further than they should as "JWs".

    Thanks for your encouraging words not to turn to drink! No alcohol last night - popcorn instead to be honest, i saw all your comments this morning and part of me was so comforted but another part of me judged you for being so angry - i thought i was above you l!! - "im not going to be so immature and negative - thats what weak peple do - get nasty! - i cant trust this" GET THAT! - please someone tel me where to go! for such a judgemental attitude - i apologise now -

    am still getting the hang of this site - so hope this gets posted in the right place! thanks again all - xxx

  • Dansk


    We all admire your courage. It?s good to have you here as we can all empathise with what you?re going through.

    Take time to read the posts here. You?ll find many you can identify with. You?re not alone. Indeed, you?re amongst some truly wonderful people now!



  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I spent 50 years of my life deluded by them.

    Even though I have been 'out' for 35 years, I have still had the guilt trip for most of it.

    Thank God that you have woken up early so that you can spend your remaining time on the planet without their guilt upon you.

    Welcome to the board Lee.

    I am sure you will find the support you need at this time.

    I certainly have.

  • mouthy

    Lee You ask "Where to go now" ? If you read that scripture it is not WHERE to go it is to WHOM to go.....The answer in scripture is JESUS!!!!

    Preaching is not a thing folks do on here ( except me- )& they put up with me because they know I am old. (76)

    MY suggestion to you is. (ONLY MY SUGGESTION) dont give up on Prayer... If you dont know who to pray to speak tp the Creator!!!! You get the right one!!!

    Many on here do not believe in God now- & That is allowed by GOD!!! I do hope you wont be one of them also...Your Parents meant well >>> they thought they were doing Gods will. So ! I am glad to know you dont want to hate them!!!!!

    Hate destroys only the hater !!!!! Love builds!!!!! So go build darling!!!!!Have a good day!!!!!!

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