Anyone else have an aversion to dress clothes, now that you aren't forced to wear a suit and tie (women insert their version here) to sit a stadium for 8 hours on a summer day? Being forced to do this as a young child traumatized me pretty good!
anyone now have an aversion to dress clothes?
by spike2 43 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
No....I've always liked dresses..they go nice with my pumps!
Black Sheep
Sure, have had that for years.
Gimme jeans and teeshirt any day.
.......Tidy ones for going out.
I have an aversion to dress clothes. I always found I could never find a tie that fitted, they were always too tight. Perhaps it's just me.
I sort of do now. I am content in faded jeans, Tshirt and boots-cowboy or just workboots. I have become very much a minimalist; there are so many things that I just don't need. I put on a shirt and tie once or twice a year. I used to enjoy it almost with the relish of a fetish, but now, it is a turn off.
I tried for a long time to avoid dresses AS MUCH as possible... as a kid, I was a tomboy that found dresses too restrictive since I always had to sit in them with my legs together and couldn't do things such as climbing trees, etc. and I had to keep them nice. So of course I always hated having to dress up for meetings, lol.
Then when I got older I wanted to wear short skirts and dresses and couldn't. When I got out of the Org for a while I avoided dresses still mainly because somehow it didn't occurr to me yet that I could now wear short skirts and dresses... when it did finally hit me I aquired a motherload of them overnight. Now I just wear whatever I feel like wearing, most the time jeans, sometimes if I feel like dressing up, a short skirt. I don't think I've worn a skirt that's knee length since I left, lol. *grin* So yah, the only issue I have with dressing up any more is wearing the "appropiate" length skirts. -
got my forty homey?
I like big glasses to hide my triple OG tears!
nobody told me
I kept some of my dub clothes in case I have to go to a funeral.
new light
Depended on the day for me. Usually they were uncomfortable, especially after working all day. Now they just take up space.
I have had many jobs that require dress clothes so it has been no problem. Of course, I never had to wear a tie.