Are there times when you see that you still are under the control of the Witnesses?
Can You Honestly Say That You Are No Longer Under Watchtower Mind Control?
by minimus 29 Replies latest jw friends
Black Sheep
Oh yes I can, and so can my father.
He says I am under the control of
Black Sheep
My first reply was to the subject.
In answer to your second question:
Only in that I have to keep my mouth shut around my JW family.
Being a fader and not having DA'd myself, some might think that I am still under the WTS mind control. But then others might think that by DA'ing myself, that I am playing the WTS' game by their rules.
It has taken me some years to rid myself of the abusive thinking of my parents. It still rears its ugly head from time to time. But I recognize it for what it is and deal with it, excise it.
I feel it is the same way with the WTS mind control. Doing my reviews helps me, let me say that again, helps me recognize their mind control in their publications.
Will the day come when I never think about the WTS and the past 45 plus years? No, but it won't dominate or control my life, just like my parents no longer control my life.
Blondie, your reviews help US to see the Watctower is a mind control propaganda tool. Keep up the great work!
what Black Sheep said:
Only in that I have to keep my mouth shut around my JW family.
Pretty much ditto for me.
Love, Scully
Black Sheep
While Mrs Sheep is at the WT study Black Sheep is studying Blondie's review.
Some of Blondie's reviews are hilarious and it does take some self control to not say something when Mrs Sheep gets back.
Sometimes this control fails and I end up in the shite again.
You know, we were talking about this the other day (me and a couple of friends).
One of the 'advantages' I have from being shunned is that I don't have to suppress myself for family members.
So, I guess there's a silver lining to that cloud ...
But, I can see where that would be frustrating. So, after many years, I can say that I feel truly free of "THE TOWER" *shudder*
franklin J
I am so far from the Watchtower teachings ; control and influence that posting on this forum has brought to the surface a FLOOD of memories . Some good; some bad; ALL funny.
At this perspective and at this phase of my life; I can afford to look back and laugh and say " I actually sold religion door to door ?" The departure was devasting at the time, but persistance payed off and much good came from it.
Lets all find some humor and have another drink.
Absolutely, Min..............and probably for most of the rest of my life I will get moments of flashback..............inevitable remainders of the brainwashing I endured for twenty five years.