I have come to some conclusions that IF they have not ever been a JW they will never know how traumatic experience this has been in our life. Thankfully Mr. CB and I are on the "same page" with this issue. I can tell you that before I joined Mr. CB in seeing the "light" about the truth(tm) we had some very ugly conversations which increased my stress level completely, (his too!)
But seeing that your BF is not and has never been a JW, and you wish to preserve the relationship, it is a good suggestion that he and you go to counseling together (finding a counselor that is very familiar with HIGH CONTROL groups). That counselor can shed some all important reasons to your BF why you just can't get over the affects of being in a HIGH CONTROL GROUP and why it is a form of ABUSE that you endured and that it will take time and UNDERSTANDING from him to help you thru it. Maybe that counselor can give assistance to you personnally on different ways to cope with it (strategic measures that are personalized for you)....this is and will be a time consuming process.
I hope your BF can and will be there for you. I hope the best for you Sassy.