Can I get some neutral insight without being preached to?

by Nancy 35 Replies latest jw experiences

  • xjw_b12

    Nancy. Boy did you come to the right place.

    As mentioned, most of us are exjw or trying to get out of the religion. Even though your husband is not a jw, it seems to me, that because he married a "wordly girl" ( you ), it has created a greater chasm between the ability of his mother to convert him to jwism. JWs teach that all who are not of thier religion will die at Amegeddon. It seems that she is trying to "save" her son, and is using typical jw techniques of mental cruelty and shunning to bully you to become a jw.

    Write a letter to the local Kingdom Hall addressed to the local body of elders, and cc a copy to their headquarters in Brooklyn N.Y.

    P.S. Not all jws are like her, but you've got a doozy on your hands.

  • SixofNine

    Hi Nancy,

    We're pretty much all ex-jw's on this board, and for good reasons. However, the JW's would not approve of your MIL's behaviour.

    But here is the deal: Obviously, your JW MIL is mentally ill. I'm a little surprised that you didn't mention that yourself; you have seen this, haven't you? The problem is compound in that the JW doctrines, mentality, and general way of life EXACERBATE problems, especially mental problems. For that matter, most any literalist fundamentalist religion will exacerbate mental problems, just look at the case of the mother in TX who bashed her son's heads in with rocks.

    You may not get any support on this, but I think you'll do better if you define the problem correctly. The problem is two-fold, and from your description, I think the biggest part of the problem is mental illness, with JW's being secondary. Of course, some would make the case that being a JW causes mental illness, and I would actually agree, in some cases.

    Good luck. It sounds to me that you need to a) take a step away from the emotions of dealing with this, and b) get support from your husband.

  • Yerusalyim

    I concur with all those that have said it's mental illness. If moving IS an option...that would be best...if moving is NOT an option and the religion really holds sway in her live the son might approach the elders for help. If getting her help is possible do so...SHE NEEDS IT!

  • itsallgoodnow


    Welcome. It really sounds like your mother in law has some serious problems. My guess is she wants to force her son to be a JW and thinks you are standing in her way. JWs give advice to their people who live with unbelievers and tell them how to act to "attract" these unbelievers to their religion and she's not doing what they are saying she should do.

    This could be because she's depressed and angry but doesn't know why, which is a big part of the JW experience, as it is very depressing. Perhaps she really beleives she has the best of intentions trying to force her family back to the JWs and she has always gotten her way by acting up this way. Stand up to her and be firm, get in her face about it and some of that abuse will stop. It would help if your husband took the matter into his hands, as well.

    Hope things work out for you,


  • Mulan
    Write a letter to the local Kingdom Hall addressed to the local body of elders, and cc a copy to their headquarters in Brooklyn N.YE

    Excellent advice. They will see the cc: at the bottom of the letter and know they have to address this issue.

  • Sunspot

    Hi Nancy,

    Along with the excellent suggestions here, I have another; maybe one day after she has gotten through with one of her outbursts and stomping activities, you might go to her and tell her that you AND her son are VERY unhappy living this way, and that if she continues, that you will convince her son to move away for some peace of mind.

    It MIGHT cause her to rethink her tantrums and her nasty attitude AND allow you some peace and quiet!

    Whatever you decide to do, let us know how things go, Hon!



  • Joker10

    Religion has nothing to do with it, Nancy. The woman probably has mental issues. If you want somebody to tell her things, then write or contact the elders of her congregation. Probably she will get embarrased by it.

  • Nosferatu
    Hmmm...another perspective...I'm sorry to say but the husband sounds like a momma's boy. At this stage in his life that will most probably never change. He is the one I would confront if I were you. If he is letting his mother abuse you and treat you badly then I would eighter make him fix the situation or move your family away from her. I bet his answers to your confronterher/him will tell you quite a few things about both of them.

    I'm with Valis on this one. She's not a direct relative to you, but your husband is.

    She doesn't help with rent or a bill

    I'm not sure what you're living arrangement is there, but it sounds like she's "renting" from the both of you. She sounds like a manipulative, controlling person. My father is the same way (who is NOT a JW). He puts on a smiley face when he's around my fiance, but talks shit about her behind her back. He's pissed off that we're getting married, because she's stealing me away from him. He's also threatening NOT coming to the wedding, which is fine with me.

    It sounds like your husband is still very much under her control tactics. Remember, he grew up with her, and she has been controlling him all her life. Now that he's starting to pull away, she starts tightening the grip. When she doesn't get her own way, she uses threats, or cruel behavior to get what she wants. I'll bet she'd be happy as hell if the two of you split up, then she could have her little boy back.

    Since this is not your immediate relative, it would be worthwhile to encourage your fiance to stand up for himself. I bought a book a while ago called "In Sheep's Clothing" and loaned it to my mother (who is a JW) to help her deal with my father, and is still reading it. It might be worthwhile to look into a book like that to get some help on how to deal with your mother-in-law.

    I wish you luck on improving your living situation.

  • Tuesday

    You definetly need to move, I would discuss it with your husband. Just tell him that his mother makes you uncomfortable and you'd like to try and find alternate living arrangements. My mother constantly stopping by and berating my wife and I is one of the main reasons we moved further away from her house. I'm sure your husband isn't missing all the stuff she does towards you, he probably wants her out of his life as much as you do.

  • drwtsn32
    She calls me a devil, she tells me I stole her son and ruined the relationship she had with him.

    I too have psycho JW in-laws. Suggestion: move far, far away.

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