So sorry for your difficulties with you mother-in-law. I do agree...with the others who recognized mental illness as her problem. Elders don't normally help too much, but, in this case, they are already 'embarrassed' by her 'zeal'. They will gladly 'tell' you if they feel she has some problems, so they can convince you she's an aberration. Then, they will go to work preaching to you.
Go to your library and try to find some books written by psychologists about 'Relationships' between mothers and their daughters & sons. I did this years ago, when I married a witness girl, who had an odd relationship with her over-bearing, manipulative JW mother. It helped me to at least understand the dynamics of this powerful situation. Some of the things I found out (that seem similar in your case) were: Some mothers will 'never' release their children from their control and some kids don't want to 'leave' that security either. This is the worst case scenario...there are many variations.
My mother in law was that "worst case" she always was 'in our business'. Our marriage ended, largely because of this problem. The 'MIL' would call me names, too. My then wife would tell her mother private & personal things which the 'MIL' would bring up to argue & criticise me about. When I'd try to let her know diplomatically, 'it was none of her business', she would say things like, "Well, she's my daughter!" Then, me..."She's my wife and it's our decision."
The posters below sound like they've been thru this, too! Good Luck!
Nosferatu said:
It sounds like your husband is still very much under her control tactics. Remember, he grew up with her, and she has been controlling him all her life. Now that he's starting to pull away, she starts tightening the grip. When she doesn't get her own way, she uses threats, or cruel behavior to get what she wants. I'll bet she'd be happy as hell if the two of you split up, then she could have her little boy back.
The problem is compound in that the JW doctrines, mentality, and general way of life EXACERBATE problems, especially mental problems. For that matter, most any literalist fundamentalist religion will exacerbate mental problems, just look at the case of the mother in TX who bashed her son's heads in with rocks. You may not get any support on this, but I think you'll do better if you define the problem correctly.