The good in Jehovah's Witnesses.

by ScoobySnax 71 Replies latest jw experiences

  • ScoobySnax

    Six I was baptised in July 1987, so I more than qualify for immediate d/f now I guess. Does that make a difference as to the way you think Witnesses treat me?

    Is that news for you?


  • ScoobySnax


    Its about support.

  • SixofNine
    Six I was baptised in July 1987, so I more than qualify for immediate d/f now I guess. Does that make a difference as to the way you think Witnesses treat me?

    Is that news for you?

    Yes, that is news to me. How old were you when you were baptised? Did you ever spend any time as an adult making the effort to be a witness?

    It doesn't particularly surprise me if they treat you fairly humanly however. They may want you back, they may understand that you're gay, they may be a fairly liberal congregation, perhaps all of the above. The main thing is that you don't threaten their order.

    They treat me nicely for the most part as well, now that I'm out, lol. I am sometimes amazed at how little stress I can feel in a group of hundreds of JW's now that I'm an apostate, compared with incredible stress and general ill will 5 short years ago when I was a true believer.

  • cyber-sista


    Don't really know your story. I do agree their are some JWs who are really trying to do what is right, but quite a few of those truly good people are having a lot of anxiety these days, because they cannot jive what is truly good and loving with the unloving WT doctrine that they are continually being fed. Thus there is much confusion in the Org and just recently fading away as I am doing I can look and see how it is truly affecting these people. I always felt torn between doing what was right in my heart (what I felt was the loving and kind thing) to absolute obiedience to the Org. My absolute obiedience to the Org would have costed me my marriage and my relationship with my loving daughter...Long story, but no joke. I had no choice but to leave or kill myself or destroy my loving non-JW family--I chose to leave. I can no longer look upon people as righteous and kind hearted who continue to support these doctrines based on this whole conditional love program. JWs are only allowed to be loved if they are serving the Org--I have seen this occuring over and over again--too many times this was thrown in my face. My only hope is that the best ones in there will leave...

  • PopeOfEruke


    you can apologise for the Witnesses all you like, but they as a group, will deny blood transfusions for their own children. They willingly will let little children bleed to death.

    Thats plain evil. Jehovahs Witnesses have no place on this planet as far as I am concerned.


  • ScoobySnax

    Regardless my upbringing shaped me into the adult I am now, and a JW start certainly shaped me Six.

    Your theory about them being nice coz they want me back sounds a bit Conspiracy like stuff (no disrespect) I think they are just on the whole "nice"

    I'm sorry they make you ill however now since you aren't a true believer. Be Well.

  • ScoobySnax


    You are the kind that finds themselves amongst a majority within a minority on this small forum. I don't feel the need to "apologise" for them as you say. But you are of course entitled to your opinion.


    I am truly sorry for the hurt you feel. As you say its a long story, and difficult to ascertain all the facts, but I can imagine you've been ruffed up. Sorry. I do disagree that there is much confusion in the WTS or JWs as a group however.I just have not seen that, and despite your experience is not what is experienced on the whole. In no way is that meant to discredit the situation you find yourself in. In my experience, despite my struggles, the best ones remain there.


  • galaxy7

    I like some of them .I like my mother,sister,husband and other assorted witnesses close to me

    but the fact is they do not have the the truth any more than any other religion

  • cyber-sista


    I was in the Org for 20 of my adult years...I have seen people come and go--children grow up in the Org--the coverups--the abuse--all of it and in 2 different states and in several congos. I know for a fact these are not isolated incidents...You must've been in an isolated area with a group of fairytale JWs. All you have to do is read their own literature to know how abusive the Org can be--it is not just the people in the Org--it is the Organization behind the name--I for one don't want to support an organization that is based on things untrue and that has caused so much pain in peoples lives no matter how nice the people in it may seem. I have met many amazing people who display many of those fruits of the spirit and who serve their fellow human beings out of love. The JWs do not have the market on goodness as we were all lead to believe.

    The end...getting off my soapbox now

  • SYN

    Some religious people are good, and some religious people are bad.

    That doesn't mean that religion itself is any in any way a good thing at all.

    In fact, in the case of the Witnesses, I find it unbelievable that you can still support their way of life and their teachings, if you've spent as long here as you have. It's all a big lie, and it doesn't matter that kind-hearted people sometimes get caught up in that lie - that doesn't make it any better.

    What I would say is that I did know some genuinely good people when I was in the "Troof" too. Unfortunately, these extremely nice people were suffering from a severe case of religion. That's pretty sad. I honestly don't know how people can go in for that stuff. None of it stands up to scrutiny...

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