The good in Jehovah's Witnesses.

by ScoobySnax 71 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Valis
  • nilfun

    Scooby, are you leaving us?

  • cruzanheart

    Scooby, we'll miss you if you go but you have to be true to yourself and I hope you find contentment wherever you end up. Seeing Valis yawning up there made me smile because (okay, I'm pronouncing a Greek curse on you, Ouzo Boy) ONE DAY YOU WILL BE AT AN ASSEMBLY INTRODUCING A TALK AND . . .[pause for effect] . . .YOU WILL INTRODUCE THE SPEAKER AS THE "DISTRICT OVERBEER." Then you will break into maniacal laughter and have to be escorted from the stage.

    There. Is that scary enough to make you stay here?


  • SixofNine

    I hope you read patient's charts more carefully than you read our post, Scooby.

  • CeriseRose

    I wasn't raised a JW. I chose to be a part of the group, and live by their beliefs. I met some very wonderful, caring people who were supportive. I met some very narrow-minded, insensitive jerks too. Oddly enough, I met both caring and insensitive people in the 'world' too, before and after my JW experience. There is good in JWs, just like there's good in any other 'group', if you look for it. I can tell you that my personal experience has been mirrored over and over and over again in the stories I hear here and other ex-JW sites.

    People who come to this board do not have the option of going back on their own terms. Can I go back to the JWs and keep my worldly boyfriend? No. Well, I could, but I would be marked. Right? I would have to conform to the standards that are set out by men. Unscriptural, and sometimes dangerous traditions of men. And if I did go back and did keep the boyfriend, you can be assured that I would be getting 'guidance and counsel' to conform, probably every meeting. You can also be sure that on the whole I would be labelled with a certain level of bad association.

    It's been my experience, and I dare say the overwhelming experience of the people who post here from what I've read, that when the chips are down and your back is up against the wall, JWs on the whole will follow the WTBTS over their own personal relationships. I fail to see how that is commendable, where the person is thrown out for a principle, or worse, for an unscriptural tradition of man. That is the epitome of lack of love. When I DAd from the JWs I had done NOTHING out of line, except miss meetings, and those for a valid medical reason. I had been marked from that, long before I had a boyfriend and long before I left. There was NO support, not from elders, not from pioneers, not from 'regular' publishers. And I wasn't exactly unknown; this was the cong. I learned the 'truth' in, I had several people I regarded as spiritual parents and who thought of me as their spiritual child. Every one of them turned their back on me because I didn't conform to the rigid standard.

    Individual JWs may act differently...and ironically, those are ones who probably don't follow all the 'rules' either. The first step to walking out? Maybe. Who's to say?

    I'm not quite sure why the point was made about the number of posters here vs the number of JWs in the world Nor do I understand why it has to be explained to lurkers or other interested parties who visit that there are two sides to the issue. People who are lurking are either still affiliated with the WTBTS and happy to be so, and here simply to find out info, or they are dissatisfied with JWs and their experience with it and are looking for info as well. Coming to an ex-JW board should be tip off #1 that they are going to find an overwhelming amount of people who have bad experiences and quite possibly negative talk. Just like any other ex-group board.

    I think when you talk in terms of support, that this is a place that is predominantly set up for ex-JWs to be able to get the anger, injustice, and hurt out so it doesn't fester and build up. It provides a common place for identification and realization that a person isn't alone. It would be nice to have gotten that from my JW friends and family when I left...but that avenue of support was unequivocally shut down from me.

    For those who are still half in the org, or still active but fading, or in but not wanting to be but staying, those ones may find a small amount of support from the JWs they know. But chances are, if they state any of their doubt, concerns, etc., they'll probaly be treated the same way that so many of us were.


  • Mulan
    but a good support network back at the Kingdom Hall that you can call upon. friends that have never really forgotten you as you imagine they have, but those who would be so happy to see you again.

    Maybe in some KH's that is true, but in the one we came from, I know they would whisper and mutter, if we walked into the KH. They would not be glad to see us. They would feel fear. I'm sure a few of them would greet us, but they are the ones who talk to us now. By far the majority would be acting unsure of us.

    Scooby, I think they are not what you still think they are. It is very much a closed society.

  • hillary_step


    I think I acknowledged that point in my post HS. Thats the point I was making, MANY here will disagree, but there are people that maybe lurk and read who will understand that it wasn't always a blanket misery as the handful who post here have had the misfortune to experience. There are so many more Tens of more that don't post here that have dropped out like me, that didn't have this misfortune or experiencing what some have here.

    Respectfully, you have missed my point. You are encouraging, on the basis that some *may not be harmed* in aligning their lives with the WTS, that they contemplate a return to that system, or a continuation of their adherence to that system. This website stands as evidence that it has caused serious emotional damage in the lives of many, many people.

    This is not about whether there are good JW's or not, we all know that there are many thousands of decent JW's, the issue is whether a person risks serious emotional damage by attaching themselves to the WTS, a high control religion. The WTS has 'loved' many people to death.

    If you wish to take the moral risk of encouraging a person to enter a system that may damage them, that is your prerogative. You will find in doing so, that I for one will oppose all such recommendations with my dying breath if need be.

    Best regards - HS

  • Valis
    I for one will oppose all such recommendations with my dying breath if need be.

    here! here!


    District Overbeer

  • Valis

    I also wanted to add that the "goodness" of any individual JW gets sucked right out of them just as soon as they hit the Kingdom Hall. If you thought someone was being mistreated or the speaker was ludicrous would you get up and say so or grab a mic? I thought not !!!! I suppose though the collective yet selective conscience far exceeds the import of the individual.


    District Overbeer

  • wednesday

    I know some very good JWS. Also know some very good Baptists. It is not the religion it is the people. The JWS that are good are good despite their religion. maybe u are lucky Scob, maybe they treat u nice. A lot of us have been hurt badly and I would sooner have my teeth drilled without novicane than go back. for the first time in years i feel like a human being. I am responsible for my actions and do not have to go running to an elder to see if somethings OK. I had a good friend of 20_+ years drop me like a hot patato, b/c they thought I'd just "gone bad" Not one word to inquire if i was ok, just ,so long.

    I suggest u tell your "friends" u post here and are gay. They might be willing to help u "change " your disgusting lifestyle,(that is what they really think Scob and u know it) but they will not forgive u for posting here. Even if u defend them here.

    I can't believe i bought into this lame arse religon for so long.

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