I can remember what it was like to try and do the "right" thing and follow the way of the Truth, it was bloody hard, and I fell down many times. I always used to try and pick myself up dust myself down and start over again, sometimes with success for longer periods than others. The easiest route I ever took was to just become inactive and move away, call it weakness on my part or whatever. I do know that however, there were so many many good people in my congregation, and other congregations that were always there
They were in all likelyhood falling down too, Scoob. They just found it easier to pretend that everything was OK.
a good support network back at the Kingdom Hall that you can call upon. friends that have never really forgotten you
The friends I have now do more than think about me, and that is not dependant on putting on the right performance for them.
there are many genuine stories of sadness here that I know are written from very real circumstances that were unfair and misjudged
I never experienced the terrible examples of mistreatment that others here have, but I am not so arrogant as to say that if it didn't happen to me then it doesn't matter. I left because I was absolutely worn out by it all. I stayed out because I found out that it wasn't the truth at all.