The good in Jehovah's Witnesses.

by ScoobySnax 71 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Fe2O3Girl
    I can remember what it was like to try and do the "right" thing and follow the way of the Truth, it was bloody hard, and I fell down many times. I always used to try and pick myself up dust myself down and start over again, sometimes with success for longer periods than others. The easiest route I ever took was to just become inactive and move away, call it weakness on my part or whatever. I do know that however, there were so many many good people in my congregation, and other congregations that were always there

    They were in all likelyhood falling down too, Scoob. They just found it easier to pretend that everything was OK.

    a good support network back at the Kingdom Hall that you can call upon. friends that have never really forgotten you

    The friends I have now do more than think about me, and that is not dependant on putting on the right performance for them.

    there are many genuine stories of sadness here that I know are written from very real circumstances that were unfair and misjudged

    I never experienced the terrible examples of mistreatment that others here have, but I am not so arrogant as to say that if it didn't happen to me then it doesn't matter. I left because I was absolutely worn out by it all. I stayed out because I found out that it wasn't the truth at all.

  • Valis
    a good support network back at the Kingdom Hall that you can call upon. friends that have never really forgotten you

    The friends I have now do more than think about me, and that is not dependant on putting on the right performance for them.

    you are exactly right sugar, because love, compassion, understanding, tollerance, and the rest are not just dependent on memory of you, but how one gets treated, regardless of being a JW or not.sloppy kisses and gnite to Fegirrl.


    District Overbeer

  • El blanko
    El blanko

    If the organization define through their collective activity within your own mind the ideals you need to attain in order to gain salvation, and you cannot see another pathway in this life, then for the sake of your own peace of mind, it is better to return.

    Try and retain your open mind when you do so, by accepting that the subjective truth of mankind turns out to be a lie time and time again.

    I know that many JWs are not merciless spiritual vampires and "do" hold fast fine qualities and attempt to stand clean before Christ & God. So in that sense you will not be in bad company.

    I do question upon study the absolute authority of the organization over the conscience, but that is well known here.

    Take care and I wish you well.

    (some old timers here do not believe in a God of clearly defined standards anymore, so you may as well be talking to a brick wall)

  • five_crew

    While I do agree that there are some "good" JW's, how do you explain the ones that have let their children die for their beliefs. Let me explain. My aunt had a child that was physically disabled. She was a JW, her husband was not. My cousin needed an operation to save his life, she said fine WITH NO BLOOD, against the wishes of my uncle, the father. Needless to say her 10 year old child died in surgery. Then she had the nerve at the burial to pull ME to the front, only 15 at the time, to see my mothers grave and the grave. Telling me "isn't it nice we will see them in paradise" NO, to me it wasn't nice. My mother died when I was 5, I couldn't look at her grave and be happy. I couldn't even stand after seeing her grave, had to be carried out to the car, I was miserable. But, isn't it nice to see them in paradise? I was in a miserable family and they made me miserable, all I could think was that if she were alive I wouldn't be miserable.

  • scotsman


    My experience has been that there are nice and not so nice people i in all walks of life, regardless of their religious beliefs. There are Witness shits and non-Witness shits, and there are supportive people wherever you seek them. People are people.

    One of the things that shocks me about this site is the number who still attend meetings (mainly doing the fade). When were you last at a meeting Scooby?

  • jamara2000

    Good Morning,

    I found this site I guess about two weeks ago and I have been a gawker until now. I was raised from birth and baptised a JW when I was 16 and like some of you my family immediate and extended are still JW's. I don't know if there is any good in JW's or not I have become so confused about wether these people are brain washed or they are right. I don't know wether they are following the true religion anymore I dont know whether the end of the world is coming and I dont know that if it does come they will be the only ones in the new one. All I know is that my mother really believes what she believes and she raised me and my siblings the way she thought was best. was it? who knows. I know this though she is good. regardless. She gave of her time and effort to make sure that we had a stable foundation and even though I am scarred because of the looks and c riticism from other about choices I made and even though I am confused about what is right and wrong spiritually I know she did what she thought was best and for that I can say she is good. So there is some good in JW's. I am grown now and can make my own decisions about what is right and wrong. I teach my son how I choose to teach him. And like I am sure my mom did on occasion its guess work because for all the love we have for our children we just never know if choices we make for them is right. Would I ever raise my son as a JW? I doubt it. There is no way I will allow him to go through the same thing as I did. I will not allow him to have his actions questioned because whoever is questioning does not agree with them. He will always know that ultimately he awnsers to no man. Did she take that into consideration? No but I think that was because she was first generation. I have the information to make that decision she didn't. I have figured out that I need to do my unbiased research before choosing anything that will effect my sons life the way my life was. Am I confused about a lot of things? Yes. But I know that she is good. Anyways its good to meet people that can maybe understand me. It good to know that I am not the only h eathen out there .

  • ARoarer

    Scooby, that support net you speak of is conditional. Their friendship is not based on love for you but on condional love in the hope of restoring you to thier JW club. No matter how much you are suffering, they will abandon you even if they have been your "friend" for over 25 years, if you speak negatively about the organization and it having a role in your suffering. They can't bear to hear that. It can be compared to a family protecting an abusive member to protect th family name. The WT org is like an abusive, perpetrating father being protected by his abused family members who are co-dependents in denial. They actually enable the abusive behavior by allowing it on other family members without reporting it or running away from it. It is the same mental condition that exists in abusive religions.

  • Dansk

    WELCOME, Jamara2000

    my mother really believes what she believes and she raised me and my siblings the way she thought was best??.. I know this though she is good.

    No one here doubts that at all!

    Would I ever raise my son as a JW? I doubt it. There is no way I will allow him to go through the same thing as I did. I will not allow him to have his actions questioned because whoever is questioning does not agree with them. He will always know that ultimately he answers to no man.

    Here?s the whole crux of the matter. While your mother was wonderfully caring and loving the same cannot be said for the Organisation. THIS is whom we are angry at!!


  • xjw_b12

    Ha Ha Scobby Good April Fools Joke !

  • nobody told me
    nobody told me

    WELCOME JAMARA 2000-----Glad your here!!!!

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