I read and take in a lot on this board. But I have yet to see hard facts. What are the actual beliefs of JW's that you have found are false and what is the basis for it?
Here I go again...
by Joysome 22 Replies latest jw experiences
Well, Joy, have you got all nite???
The easiest answer is: go and buy a copy of COC and ISOCF.
Or you could go to the Freeminds site where there is a super-abundance of material that would help you.
But I have yet to see hard facts.
Huh? You musta been reading with your eyes shut!
Never mind, get those books and you'll be right.
Cheers, Ozzie
little witch
What are the beliefs of jw's that you accept as factual, and why do you believe them?
What proof do you offer we non believers?
The belief that Armageddon will come during the lifetime of those who saw the "beginning of the end" in 1914. Oh yeah, they changed that in 1995. New light!
The belief that 7 "Gentile Times" ended in 1914, because the calculation is based on the fall of Jersualem to the Babylonians in 607BCE. No serious historian accepts that date. Only JW's do. The actual date for the fall of Jerusalem is 587-586 BCE.
The statement in the "Your Will Be Done" book, published in 1958, that the Communist powers (as the "king of the north") would stay in power through Armageddon and would continuously persecute true Christians (supposedly only JW's). Seems like the Communist rule has fallen in almost all of those nations, and that JW's have freedom in most of the formerly Communist countries.
Who knows what they're teaching now that they'll soon turn completely around because it proves false?
IMHO failed prophecies are the easiest to see. Millions now living will never die, 1975, the meaning of the word "generation", and now the way they are going to handle who the anointed are (I beleive they will need to revise this somewhat). They explain that things get clearer as time goes on, but that is just a pat explanation coming from a group who claims to be God's spirit directed organization. God's spirit directed them to tell me college education was dead works when I was a teenager, but now evidently God's spirit has decided that is not the case anymore.
The hard fact is, these things were "hard facts" at one time, believed in by the people as much as they believed in God or Jesus. These beliefs were found to be false, and explained away as "changed".
As long as the WTS asks its followers to believe everything written in their Watchtower magazine as the absolute truth you cannot question, then I cannot go along with whatever it is they are teaching because they can, did and will eventually change it.
The biggest false fact:
The governing body is gods spokesman on earth
2: You need watchtower literature to study the bible,after all we are to stupid to read it without the watchtower
3:The Memorial everyone should partake
4: the changing dates and the lies about changing them
5.stopping the faithful sheep from researching their own religion
6 adding Jehovahs name to the new testement
7:changing scripture so that it matches the jw belief
8.prophesy that has never come true
9: 607,1914,1918,1935,1975,2034
franklin J
...does being taught from when you are a child, that you will never die qualify?
Yonk Yonk? Is that you?
When I read the title of this thread, I thought it was my song...
Um, how about that they claim that Jerusalem was destroyed in 607 BCE - but everyone, and I mean EVERYONE else, including the British museum, declares that the destruction occurred in 587 BCE.
Which means that the whole interpretation of the dream of Nebuchadnezzar, as applied to the resumption of Christ's rule of kingly power, which gave them the almighty date of 1914, has been proven false at its base. the 2520 years cannot be stated to begin in 607 BCE, they have to begin in 587, if you are really going to apply the dream of a pagan king to the holy Kingdom of God.
Which, if Christ didn't return in 1914, then who appointed the "faithful and discreet slave". Um, themselves, maybe? Which would explain why they are so bad at tending to the flock in their care? Also, if you were wondering why it has taken 90 years for the Kingdom to actually DO anything - and they are still sitting around up there, farting in celebration for causing WW1, well, there's your answer.
The blood issue is a lie, too. There is no way that God wouldn't make an exception if there was a way to save a life - did not the rules get bent for David when he ate the showbread of the altar? Did not Jesus give his disciple permission to thresh on the Sabbath for being hungry?
Nowhere in the Bible does it actually condemn heterosexual sex before marriage, in fact, several notable worthies engaged in it, including Judah, David, and Samson.
Hm, and how about gays? David and Jonathon got it on, so did Jesus and John the beloved.
How about the little issue about joining worldly clubs and activities? The WT joined the UN to "use the library," but won't let any of it's flock join the Y to use the pool!!!
How about the now abandoned teaching that the generation that was born in 1914 would NOT die off before armageddon? Liars, liars, and damned fools.