Here I go again...

by Joysome 22 Replies latest jw experiences

  • amac



    2.Faithfull & Discreet Slave

    3.DFing (the judicial committee and reinstatement part)

    4.144,000 being a literal number


    6.Jesus not being the mediator for all mankind, only the 144,000

    7.Blood Transfusions

    8.Turning in time and meeting attendance

    9. Lots and lots of other minor beliefs (cross, holidays, association, other religions) that full under dogmatism in that they are not forbidden in the bible but you can get DFed for them or they are forbidden through unwritten laws.

    10. Hypocrisy with the way they handle reporting child molestation and being part of the UN when brothers died following WT instructions on a similar situation in Malawi.

    Pick any of those and I would gladly discuss my differences and viewpoints on them, either here, a seperate thread or PMs.

    By the way, I am not DFed or DAed.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    I've never been a JW, but one of the most peculiar beliefs for me is that they only have Communion once a year, and everyone in the congregation passes around the emblems without partaking. This is so contrary to weekly communion by all Christians during the first three centuries.

  • amac

    Is there a biblical basis for weekly communion? I don't know of any. The not partaking does go against scripture though.

  • Nadsam

    Despite studying many hours in the Bethal library, witnessing thousands of hours, giving talks at assemblies and hundreds of sunday public talks.....I yet have to find a bible teaching which condones hiding pedophiles from the law.

    It took me thirty years to realize that I was in a cult and that is why I cannot believe any of the claptrap served up as spiritual food. I was especially nauseated this week by the latest 666 Watchtower articles and references to the Evil Slave class and foolish virgins.

    BTW these magazines (about 8 of them) were stuffed into my post box again..I suppose by some JW slacker. I have ripped them up, burnt them and used them to line my cat sand box !

    Nadsam...proud APOSTATE.

  • family_man

    I must admit it just seems they're to nice and well established to be a cult built on false teachings.

    But there are too many sites, articles, books and testimnoy [which although not concrete I feel carries more weight than anything].

    my favorite site is

    If this is enough hard evidence about their false prophesies -IN THEIR OWN WORDS - and doctrinal changes over the years.

    Then happy door to door work ...


  • avishai

    The post above me posted exactly what I was gonna say.

  • Sentinel

    Well, since you asked, for me it isn't even so much the "back and forth" rules and regulations, and the "ever-changing new light"; it is the fact that this type of religion treats it's members as if they have no brain, turns them into robots, and then alienates and judges family members and friends who later "choose" another path. This is cultish, plain and simple. A person is taught certain things over and over and over, and that repeatition causes one to forget their own conscience and follow. Self is lost along the way, and actually we do accept that. That is, until we realilze what we have lost in the process. Just because one reads and hears something over and over does not make it truth. Just because a religion prints it's own bible and literature, should not mean that we would be judged for reading the literature of another belief system.

    This is where the JW's go wrong. They simply will not allow their "people" the right to choose. In fact, they allow them very little "rights" at all. After awhile, the student begins to forget reasonableness and rational behavior, and they "sign on" by getting baptized. Then, that's all she wrote. Getting baptized seals the contract. Most all of us on this board know how damaging the rejection and separation is. It is humanly demeaning for someone to tell you they love you, and then shun you. It is the opposite of love and compassion.

    Doctrine among religious beliefs is just what a person is drawn to--how they feel scripture is best interpreted. Granted, JW's have a unique base belief system altogether, but it is just an off-shoot of mainstream religion. Just read the history. The outside is sugar-coated, but the inside is not so sweet. The aftertaste can be in fact, quite bitter.


  • Carmel

    Oh Joy! What do you want for facts? I could relate to you my family's screwy behavior (brothers and father were sexual abusers without any action taken by the elders) but would you just say that is anecdotal and won't stand up? Is it the shitty doctrins about refusing blood for dying children based on a bizzar intrepretation of the bible? What is is you want?

    carmel of the incredulous class

  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    Try to show me Bibilical why humans cannot use blood to save humans life?

    Does spilling animals blood on the ground equate with not being able to use it to save human life?

    Oh yeah, and there's the monthy field service report thing, where the hell does the bible say to do this?

  • boa


    uhhh, yesterday was April 1 eh lol

    anyway, from a newbie 'apostate' (jeece), I had a lot of stuff figured out on my own and only needed the coup de gras by somehow ending up at this site for my first real foray on the net for info. Actually, I was looking for something on that 'formulism' group that had a proposal to the UN on banning religion. The links were hard to find and searching here and there ended up with I believe some link about the UN NGO situation, thus, three areas of proof

    NGO situation

    Falseness of 607 date for 18/19 th yr of ol' Nebby - GROSS dishonesty by WTS on this whole issue. Very valuable proof if you're looking for it in Carl Olaf Jonnson's two books, Gentile Times Reconsidered and The Last Days (co-written with some other dude). Unanswered by WTS except useless dribble in Appendix/Chapter 14 of Let Your Kingdom Come book. No real facts and lots of bs in there.

    Surely you have heard of Crisis of Conscience - there is a very good reason its probably the most loved expose of JWs (hated by them but of course virtually all of them have no idea whats inside)- it has the ring of truth and the tone of mildness and honesty - I BELIEVE IT. And furthermore, it remains virtually unanswered except for the usually bs of anonymously calling names to 'apostates' - jeece

    Others have mentioned other points and I really find it hard to believe your seriously asking this question but how should I know? I don't know you or your quite possibly great sense of humour. To me to ask this is to ask what 'proof' is there to support anything? The Bible being 'true', the WTS being God's One True Channel and Organization? There certainly is equal and imo much better proof the Org is as Apostate as any other belief system that strayed from early Christianity.


    of the 7 week old 'apostate' class and NO LONGER A NEWBIE - JEECE, I WISH I HAD SOMETHING TO DRINK! 100 posts! Thanks Joysome for this great chance to leave newbiedom.

    off to the bottom of a new crap pile and I'm smiling all the way

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