US fingerprints 'allied' visitors

by Simon 45 Replies latest social current

  • English Patient
    English Patient
    I guess you don't know that I'm not at all a great fan of the royals

    Same here. Keep the queen, boot the other freeloading obnoxious gits out.

  • Hyghlandyr
    You don't have to be able to play the piano to recognise when someone else is playing it wrong ...

    We are not talking piano. That is why in critical thinking methods allegory is not an acceptable method to demonstrate a point. The complexities of security are so far different from music, sports, and any of the similar kinds of analogies you would want to use, as to make them non-examples. Fingerprinting may or may not assist in the war on terror and in protection of people. It may or may not lead to civil liberties violations. But I am, as I said earlier, smart enough to know that I dont know what a lot of these people who are implementing these policies know. Personally I like the idea of anglos being fingerprinted. But thats just me.

  • English Patient
    English Patient
    Personally I like the idea of anglos being fingerprinted

    And who wouldn't with the amount of terrorists Tony Blair is letting into the United Kingdom. Who could forget the 'shoe bomber'. And what about the so called British Nationals, 2nd generation Pakistanis who are being brainwashed into believing radical Islamic ideas in the very mosques allowed to flourish in Britain under one eyed hookmen like Abu Hamza of the Finsbury Park Mosque in London.

    'Order out of chaos'

  • blondie

    I don't mind being fingerprinted for the sake of any nation's security. I've been investigated and printed many times over the years because of dealing with confidential, security stuff. The US isn't the only one that should be careful.


  • Sunnygal41
    Sunnygal41 I go again with maybe an unappreciated example..........remember the time that that guy got into Buckingham Palace, into the Queen's bedroom? In fact, hasn't that happened a couple of times? My point being that security needs to tighten one is safe anymore...........these guys (terrorists) are fanatics and will do whatever it takes to make their point or conquer the world or whatever their mad scheme is all about..............and, even in my former job working for the Board of Education, everyone had to be fingerprinted and sign documentation before using computers..........the world is very complex right now, and there are alot of unhappy nut cases running around.........doesn't hurt to err on the side of caution.


  • Yerusalyim

    Well said Terry

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