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by pc 20 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • gold_morning


    You could also show them why you have turned to Jesus for your salvation instead of the Watchtower Bible and tract Society. You can also show them from the scriptures below why you do not feel that works (all those door to door hours) saves you like they believe.

    Hope this helps, again, feel free to write me at [email protected]

    agape love, Gold

    Acts 4:12....."Salvation is found in NO ONE ELSE, for
    there is no other name under heaven given to men by
    which we must be saved."

    Here it shows our salvation comes from Jesus. It does
    not say salvation is found from some religion to be
    saved, but found in NO ONE ELSE but Jesus.

    1John 5:12.."He who HAS the Son, HAS life..."

    Again, it does not point to a religion or code of
    ethics from a group of men to be saved, but merely the
    Son, Jesus Christ.

    Look what it says in Ephsians 2:4-8. ...."But because
    of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy,
    made US ALIVE with Christ even when we were dead in
    transgressions.........IT IS BY GRACE YOU HAVE BEEN
    SAVED.....(verse 8)..."For it is by grace you have
    been saved, IT IS A GIFT FROM GOD..NOT BY WORKS so
    that no none can boast."

    So we are made alive with Chirst because it is a GIFT
    from God. A present. See, we don't have to do anything
    for a present. IT is a gift. To make that clear he
    said that it is NOT our works that save us.
    We cannot earn our salvation. It is a gift because
    of the great love of God. It is knowing Jesus
    personally. It is accepting that it was He who died
    for us so that we could be righteous before God to
    receive the gift he gave us....namely everlasting
    life. Remember that scripture we just read.... He who
    HAS the son HAS life.

    The book of Titus 3:5 backs this up. It says...."He
    saved us, NOT BECAUSE OF righteous things we had done,
    but because of His mercy."

    There is no acts we can do religiously that can save
    us. Religion makes us "self-righteous". Like the
    apostle Paul said in Titus....Only being saved thru
    Jesus makes us righteous before God. We can't give
    oursleves life..... a religion cannot give us this
    gift. It takes away from Jesus. When he died, Jesus
    said..."It is finished!!" He bought us life forever.
    He paid a price to own us. Not with money, but
    something much more valuable....his life. Anyone that
    claims anything else is needed is really taking away
    from Jesus.

    How about Romans 3:22..."This righteousness from God
    comes through faith in Jesus Christ to ALL who

    Notice again that we become righteous from faith in
    Jesus and that it is open to ALL who believe in Him.
    Not a select few from a particular religion. But ALL!!
    It is there for Jew and Gentile.

    Does getting allot of bible knowledge get us life? Not
    according to the bible. Jesus himself says in John
    "You diligently study the scriptures (like many
    theologions do) because you think by means of them you
    posses eternal life. These are the scriptures that
    testify about me. Yet you refuse to COME TO ME TO HAVE

    So it is not knowledge that saves us either. There is
    nothing wrong with knowledge, but that is not where
    our salvation lies. We must come to Jesus to have
    life. It is the love of God and knowing him that saves
    us. A few verses down in 41 Jesus says "I know that
    you do not have the love of God in your hearts."

    The key to salvation is knowing Jesus and having a
    good heart, just like Jesus did. Many people study the
    bible and know "all about Jesus", but they have never
    gotten to know him personally.
    You can know all about President Bush. You can know
    what school he went to, his grades, who he dated, what
    year he married, how many children he had, where he
    lived, when he quit drinking, about his political life
    and his presidency. But can you say you personally
    know him? Have you talked to him? Are you a friend of
    his? Do you talk on the phone? No. So you know all
    about him, but don't know him personally. That is how
    it is with God and knowing HIM to receive his gift of

    I remember fearing God. He was this God exacting
    exculsive devotion that I just could not measure up
    to. No matter much studying I did, no matter how many
    years I did those works to earn my favor with God. I
    never knew if I had his favor. My salvation was not
    assured. Now I know that he is a God of great love,
    mercy, kindness and patience.

    He loves all his children here. Jesus came to save the
    world.. not condemn those in it. On his deathbed on
    the cross he saved a criminal that deserved to die.
    Why, because he read the criminal's heart. He had
    great mercy, compassion and unconditonal love.

    This is what Romans 10 9-13 says...

    "This is what we are proclaiming....That if you
    confess with you mouth, "Jesus is Lord", and believe
    in your HEART that God raised Him from the dead, YOU
    WILL BE SAVED.............."Everyone who calls on the
    name of the Lord will be saved."

  • gumby
    I am now a christian and feel strongly that Jesus did not come from an angel. I would like to ask for some guidence and help from anyone who feels that could add something to begin to open her mind.

    If your a christian then you will no doubt be trying to prove Jesus beggining and whether or not he is god or not. Don't waste your time. You will end up like the 7 page long debates between hooberus, herk, and undisfellowshipped...........and not one damn one of you will come away feeling one iota different.......only discussded at the other person............NOTHING accomplished!!!!!!

    Talk to this person about something other than a doctrinal me.


  • pc

    Thanks for everyones input. It is all useful, thank you.

    Gumby -thanks and I do understand what your saying. The reason however I'm going with Jesus is because we have actually started a discussion about this. My sister-in-law expressed to me how great she thinks is how I've been researching the bible. When I spoke with her in regard to how I just can't accept this Jesus being an angel thing, and how strongly I feel about what his death meant to all of us I saw something different in her. May be I'm just hoping but I'll try anything that would save them from the JW's. Again everyone Thank you!!PC

  • crinklestein

    To go more along the lines of debating works for salvation you can always point out how the theif that was dying on the cross next to Jesus only expressed faith in him and Jesus said, "Truely I tell you today, you will be with me in Paradise". What works did that theif have to do to gain salvation? NONE! All he had to do was accept Christ.

    Also you could point out the scripture where some of the appostles were privately ridiculing an old woman who put very very little into the donation pot and how Jesus said that she gave out of her need, the others gave out of their want, and therefore her offering was worth more because it wasn't done to make her look better, as was the case with the others. The others made large donations and made a big deal over how much they were giving in the hopes to boost their status.

    Jesus also said that public displays of faith are like whitewashed graves. Nice and clean on the outside but inside they are full of death.

  • pc

    Crinkle -Thanks, because that is another discussion I've had with her. Faith vs. Works. Great examples.Thanks pc

  • gumby
    I saw something different in her.

    Maybe go with your plans then.

    If you are familiar with the reasoning points from COC or other related material......then after the "ice is broken" you can introduce these things. Take it slow and don't run her off. Good luck.


  • crinklestein

    You're welcome! Hope everything works well and you verbally bash her into the ground with logic and common sense.

  • pc

    Wanted to let everyone know I had the bible discussion yesterday. My whole thing was I do not believe Jesus was an angel. So we used about seven different bibles to reference. If you can believe this, it went incredibly well. The most amazing thing was right at the end of our discussion I showed them Revelation 22: 12-21. I then asked them who was speaking, they responded Jesus. I showed them the reference Alpha and Omega. I explained to them that is why, in my opinion, God and Jesus as the same. I think they were both dumbfounded. They said that they would check it out and get back to me.

    I realize alot here are no more invovled with religion and that's fine, I just wanted you to know what happened and thank everyone for all their help. PC

  • crinklestein

    Excellent! See what happens when you ask them questions that you already know the answers to? You get them to admit what you want them to admit and then their mind begins to open up. Good job!

  • talesin

    It sounds like you are planting seeds of truth.

    Kudos on taking on such a monumental task! You just may be successful.

    I'm one of the nonreligious folks. My knowledge is rusty, but I can give you my unqualified support.


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