and thank you kindly to those who did not ridicule. May you find it within you to condescend to look up the scriptures and verses below... as a "second witness" to the truth I have shared with you on this matter, if you inclined to.
1. My Lord, although put to death in the flesh... retained his spirit. That is how he went to Hades... and preached to the SPIRITS there there.
1 Peter 3:18, 19
2. For although the flesh... the "soul" does indeed die... the spirit... does NOT die... but must be destroyed..
Matthew 10:28; Revelation 20:12-15
3. Which is why my Lord, when speaking of certain ones said that they were NOT dead... but sleeping. For he knew that although "breath" had left their BODIES... their "clay vessels"... which "vessels" indeed died, such breath itself did not die... but was either imprisoned in the world of the dead (where the dead sleep)... or returned to God... from whence it came... to sleep "under the altar".
John 11:11; Matthew 9:24; Acts 8:11; 1 Thessalonians 4:13; Revelation 6:9-11
Psalm 16:10; Psalm 49:15; Psalm 55:15
BUT... for those who are still skeptical with this truth... but yet believe IS a God and Christ... may hear what my Lord said... and get the SENSE of it... when speaking of Abraham... who some would have you believe is dead... and Isaac... and Jacob... and many, many others... whose God He, the Most Holy One of Israel IS... whose name is JAH... of Armies...
"He is a God NOT of the dead... but of the LIVING."
If, then, these are indeed dead... in body AND spirit... then God, is a God... of the dead. Which is a lie, just the statement that He took His Son "out of existence"... is a lie.
There are those of us who are solely of the flesh, who walk by sight rather than by faith... who see only what is beheld by the eyes of flesh... who hear only what is apparent to the ears of flesh... so that they CANNOT put faith in what they cannot SEE or HEAR... because all things must be proved to them in an EMPIRICAL way.
For those who walk by faith, however, the limitations of the flesh do not bind. As sons of FREEDOM, then, TRUE freedom as has been given by the Truth the "sets you free" so that you are TRULY free... unbound by the physical world... what is BEYOND the flesh CAN be seen, heard, felt, tasted and smelled. Without a doubt.
In order for my Lord to have been "out of existence"... he would have had to be GONE, completely... not even in Sheol/Hades. For Sheol/Hades exists... as do those who sleep there. as does the heaven(s)... and those who exist there. That he was simply gone from THIS world... does not mean he did not exist.
I bid you peace.
A slave of Christ,