by Mary 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • Larry

    I think 'Armegeddon' has came and went for different people at different times in history. If you were a Vietnam citizen during the Viet. war that was 'Armegeddon' for you. If you were a Japanese during the time the A-bomb dropped that was 'Armegeddon' for you. If you were one of the 30,000 children that die every day due to starvation that was 'Armegeddon' for you. If you were a victim during the Rwanda genocide that was 'Armegeddon' for you. etc., etc., etc.

    I think it all depends on a persons perspective. 'Armegeddon' is a state of mind - With many more 'Armegeddon's' on the horizon.

    Peace - LL


    I believe the term Armageddon was invented by a high-control FEAR-based religious group to keep their members in line ...


  • Brownboy

    So many beliefs, so many opinions...................only time will tell.


  • gumby
    The one scripture I always think of is the one in Revelation where it says that Jehovah "will bring to ruin, those ruining the earth."

    The bible said the earth was "ruined" in noahs day. Do you think the earth was polluted and abused in noahs day? The watchtower has used evry scripture they can twist to fit their thoughts. Is this a christian view also mary? I'm not sure myself. How's about you look it up in a commentary and see if it's a dub thought....or a scholarly one.


  • Brownboy


    It is found in the bible book of Revelations................look it up.


  • itsallgoodnow

    I got this really great book about Armageddon recently... I have only just started it, but already it's becoming more clear how these movements work, the ones that are centered around the idea of Armageddon. This book is a compilation of essays written on a few sociological/psychological studies that have been done on Armageddon movements since around the 1950s. Jehovah's Witnesses is covered extensively.

    I mention this because I feel it helps to read outside sources to put things more into perspective. I still haven't read Crisis of Conscience yet, and want to read it eventually, but before I do that, I wanted to look at something from an "outside" source that relies more on scientific observation.

  • itsallgoodnow

    sorry, I think my amazon link didn't work. Here's the name of the book...

    Expecting Armageddon: Essential Readings in Failed Prophecy, edited by Jon R. Stone

  • blacksheep

    Do you think it will EVER come? or is it just wishful thinking?

    So, assuming that a vengeful god comes down and destroys all the bad people is "wishful thinking?"

    Personally, I think we are living in the best time we could (assuming you're living in a western, industrialized nation. The last thing that appeals to me is the notion that some omnipotent, angry power swipes down and destroys everyone who what? Doesn't recycle? Smokes? Drives a gas-guzzling SUV?

  • boa

    jeece, larry, a new thought is always available from someone, thank you.

    jgnat - yer too kind and a FAR deeper thinker than I - I worship the pages you type on (and chat ain't do bad either)

    gumby - exactly why I don't trust them for anything they say that is uniquely jw teaching - must be corroborated from somewhere else IN context and WAIT a while cuz the SURE thing may turn out to be total BS after a few short years - see what their stance is on rape and what a woman should do and how it is viewed as its changed over the years.

    boa...just had chili...a deep stinker now...

  • minimus

    ahhhhhhhh no.

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