Even JW Children are stupid!

by PopeOfEruke 30 Replies latest jw experiences

  • PopeOfEruke

    My wife is a teacher and she had a class today, where she played a game with the kids. One child came forward and stood facing the class with her back to the blackboard. Another kid wrote "Minnie Mouse" above her head on the blackboard; the purpose of the game being that she had to guess "who" she was, by asking the class questions.

    So her first question was "Am I a boy?". The class answered "No".

    She next asked "Am I a girl?" and the class answered "Yes".

    Suddenly a little Jehovahs Witness girl in the front row yelled out "But Minnie Mouse is not a girl!!!!'

    All the class screamed at her, telling her how stupid she was for giving away the answer. The poor little JW girl realised then what she had done, and promptly started crying and cried all lesson.

    My wife felt really sorry for her! But if I was the teacher I would have had her DISFELLOWSHIPPED!!!!


  • English Patient
    English Patient

    Which is exactly why you aren't a teacher, huh ?

  • PopeOfEruke

    You're not wrong there EP!!

    Funny, earlier this week my wife told the kids that today they will make some coloured Easter Eggs. Would you believe 8 kids started squeeling "We don't celebrate Easter!!!" All JW's!!

    Its a really rough school in a very low socio-economic area so that explains the high proportion of JW's.

    What a shame that the poor and less educated people are more susceptible to the lure of the JW's....but thats their tactics I guess..........Exploit the poor!


  • English Patient
    English Patient

    Yeah, it is a sad state of affairs.

    Hey, I got this audio mp3 of a talk given at my local assembly hall about three years ago. In it, the speaker ( District Overseer ) speaks of how the brothers in Eastern Europe are having 'great sucess' because they are telling those poor, underprivalidged people that soon all their problems will come to an end!

    I must dig out that mp3 and post it, it's very ironic.

  • glitter

    Would you believe 8 kids started squeeling "We don't celebrate Easter!!!" All JW's!!

    In *one* class?!

  • Joe Bloggs
    Joe Bloggs


    I would be interested to know how old these children were, and whether the JW kids were related.



  • English Patient
    English Patient

    And no doubt their mommy's and daddy's are cleaners, windowcleaners and car cleaners.

  • Xena

    I feel sorry for the child too....kids are kids and the sometimes do dumb things...geez so do adults...but to enjoy seeing a kid being humiliated, that I don't get.

    As for Easter, I feel sorry for those kids too, missing out on the fun and having to martyr themselves for their parents faith...depending on their age they may or may not even understand why.

    Dislike the faith all you want but picking on kids just makes you a bully in my book.

  • neyank

    Perhaps we shouldn't say that JW kids are stupid.

    After all,they are subject to extreme brainwashing.

    How many of us exjws were raising children while we were active in the WT cult?

    Remember the presure we put on the kids to parot the things taught at the meetings?

    They were expected to answer the questions at the meetings word for word for the most part from the WT books and mags.

    The scientific and health experts in the field on human growth report that kids at an early age are the most susceptable of people to take in and learn what they see and hear.

    They say that a persons intelect for the most part is shaped for life from that time.

    Sure it was sometimes tough and embarasing for us adults when we had to make a stand for the WT teachings but at least we were adults and we could handle it.

    I remember thinking to myself thank God I'm not a kid in school having to deal with the presures of having to deal with all the crap that the JW kids have to face because of the WT teachings.


  • confusedjw

    This is a stupid topic.

    Let's leave the kids out of it.

    Any kid can make a mistake - honestly. (God forbid we say it might have been the teacher, no matter her religion, that wouldn't feel very good would it?)

    In my congregation alone we have recently had two valedictorians, straight A kids and one the got a full boat ride to a very good engineering college. In fact of the current group I would say only one is not doing well.

    Pretty brave picking on kids Pope.

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