Even JW Children are stupid!

by PopeOfEruke 30 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Bryan
    I feel like this thread is calling us stupid too..

    I think this thread speaks many things, but not stupidity.

    Children are products of their environment. This includes - more than anything - the environment built by the parents. In my opinion, there is no difference between the child raised in a family of white supremacist or a family of Witnesses.

    In the home of the white supremacist, the child is taught all people who are not like him/her are bad, and god does not love them, and the child is taught he/she is the true Christian.

    In the home of the Witness parents, the child is taught all people who are not witnesses (like him/her) are bad, and god does not love them, and the child is taught he/she is the true Christian.

    The white supremacist child cannot play with the black/gray/blue child down the street.

    The Witness Child cannot play with any child in the neighborhood who is NOT a witness.

    A child?s brain is like software. He/she absorbs and believes whatever the parents teach to the child. Now multiply that teaching by one thousand, with other family members, the organization literature, mind training at least three times a week, twelve times a month!

    The child has no chance until he/she grows old enough to think for himself/herself, and start asking questions. By this time the child has been well programmed.

    I know? I was there.


  • PopeOfEruke

    Hey everyone, the point of my thread was to simply relate an incident and at the same time try and use hyperbole to STOP us from being too hateful against JW's......

    Its too easy to take EVERYTHING that JW's do and blast them for it, which is an attitude some ex-JW's display. I was trying to point out how unreasonable such an approach is...

    Sorry if you misunderstood me.....

    Of course my wife comforted the little girl and told the kids to stop picking on her....but she was REALLY upset and wouldn't stop crying all lesson. Obviously indicative of the pressure the poor little JW kids have in facing school life, when other kids can be so hateful. I was brought up a JW from birth, in a divided family, so I know all about it.

    Anyway a few minutes later the ADHD-Bipolar child in the class had an attack and started screaming, throwing chairs and spitting on everybody so this incident soon became forgotton.....

    And Glitter, yes, thats 8 JW kids in the one class! Thats a lot, eh!


    PS Hyperbole" A figure of speech in which exaggeration is used for emphasis or effect, as in I could sleep for a year or This book weighs a ton."

  • glitter

    Are there a proportionate number of JW kids throughout the year group or are they all bundled in one class? I suppose it would cut down on disruption to lessons (except for that class).

    Just fascinated - went through primary school one of three JW kids at the most (out of about 600 kids altogether) and senior school as one of five at the most (out of 1,500).
    I was never in the same class as a JW, and I only had worldly friends at school.

  • Sassy

    ok.. that explaination makes more sense..

    I guess you triggered some unpleasant memories for some of us..

    Anyway a few minutes later the ADHD-Bipolar child in the class had an attack and started screaming, throwing chairs and spitting on everybody so this incident soon became forgotton.....

    that sad thing is.... My youngest .. that above could have been any one of several of his school days (he was expelled in Kindergarden)..

    and he had the JW crap to deal with too..

    I feel bad about that..

  • PopeOfEruke


    my wife got really made with the other teachers; she tried to settle this little boy who was screaming and jumping etc, she finally got him outside the classroom, where he promptly went and got a large rubbish bin and barricaded the door just as the bell went. So my wife and all the kids were 'trapped" inside, with him on the outside pushing the door shut!!

    Finally some other teachers arrived and challenged the boy who promptly ran off. It was THEN the other teachers told my wife that the boy was ADHD and bipolar disorder! No one had thought to mention this to her before (She's only been at the school 3 weeks).

    I am not sure of the spread of JW's through the school but it seems to me maybe the teachers have deliberately put the 8 JW kids in the same class.......


  • Stefanie

    How old are these kids anyway?

  • PopeOfEruke

    Grade 5, so that means they are about 9 years old or so.....


  • amicus

    Good to see you clarify what you *really* meant PoE.

    Your initial post even got *me* fired up. As a one time *convert* to these imposters I feel that I deserve to be belittled... and I freely admit I allowed myself to be misled. Pick on someone like me. I deserve it. Don't make fun of the children. They have no choice.

  • SixofNine

    Yo Amicus! How are ya man?

    Pope, that was the best use of hyperbole I've seen in my entire life. You make Jesus look like an amature!

  • PopeOfEruke

    Yes its true 6 o' 9, the Pope hyperboles like no one else!!!

    Has anyone else read the story about the female college student, attending the biology class where the lecturer was explaining the high amount of glucose in semen, and the girl blurted out "If it has so much glucose then why doesn't it taste sweet?" Whoops!

    Hey Joe Bloggs, welcome to the forum! As I already stated, the kids were in the 9-10 age group and I don't have any idea if the 8 JW's were related.........


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