Koz,,,,,,,,,did I read that you said you are only 18?? If so,,,,,,,,,what you are doing is normal,,,,you are not a man whore, or anything eles the JW's want to lable you as. Set your own morals and be happy, forget the guilt. We all know right from wrong , sometimes we makes mistakes, but you are so young, it is ok to make those rites of passages, I can't even call them mistakes, much less sins. Live and let live, as long as you are not hurting anyone. You many think you are hurting your parents, or God, or the congregation but if you are not molesting children, or leading others astray in anyway,,,,,,you are not hurting anyone. If you feel you are hurting yourself,,,,,then that is another matter. We all have to experience things on our own time frame.
If you are 18 now..........just wait until you are in your 30's and realize all the baggage of guilt you have, when all along, if you throw it away now,,,,,you will be free alot sooner than many of us were.
I am free now, and only wish I would have had the chance to break free from the JW's , the guilt and the total misery of being in that cult.
Do yourself a favor,,,,,,,,,read all you can here, anywhere and truly test your faith. Planning on going out to taste the world and then return, will only leave you empty. We all owe it to ourselves to find out all we can about the religion or beliefs that we identify ourselves with.