and for how long?
How Many Here Were Ever Placed On Restrictions?
by minimus 30 Replies latest jw friends
Never! I was a 100% dub and been proud of it.
Well, mineralogist, does that mean you never did anything or never got caught? Hmmmm.
Once a took a mental tally of the people who had been on restrictions in our congregation and came up with about 50%, including some current elders who had messed up 15 years in the past (as elders)..
Can't say I was put on restrictions but wish I would have been, darn why didn't I do something really bad. Getting in trouble may have sped up the process of leaving by showing me how ridiculous it was to let others control your life.
@blondie: never did something, i even could believe it
If you ever thought a bad broke the dub rules. Jehovah reads the hearts.....remember?
I was a MS in 76' when I smoked the funny stuff and ratted on my own arse. There was a watchtower at the time that said 'if a sufficent amount of time had passed since a serious sin had happened and one was right in his heart again with Jehovah......then there was no need to pursue the issue'. I was going for that explanation! Then,.......we had an assembly that discussed "covering over sins" with "Korah" as the example. The intent was for ones who had commited serious error to "report" it to the elders so that the sin is not "covered". This was actually a thought the society had expressed before, but not to this extreem as I recall.
When I had the JC I showed the brothers the watchtower I had first read and they agreed it was confusing. Anyway....long story short....I had stopped my bad little sin for 5 months when I told on myself.......and the bastards STILL demoted me and put me on restrictions for about a year. It was quite the shocker to the boys for the gumbastard to have done that.
I have to admit i didn't pray always at night with my wife and the family study didn't work all weeks ... but would this be something to get someone on restriction? I only was a MS and didn't get involved in those deeper things.
Yes, when I was a teenage witness.
The teenage witness that I was dating got upset with me for breaking up with her. She told the elders that we were 'petting' and I had to meet in the 'star chamber' at her hall. It wasn't as bad as I thought, but after months pass it caught up with me. I was ask to be in on assembly part and I accepted the role. After the second practice I got pulled to the side and the Elder said, 'you've be pulled from the assembly part.' I ask - why? He said b/c you were involve with that sister. Little did I know that Elders communicate with each other from other K-Halls. So yes, I was put on restrictions and didn't even know it. Funny how she confessed her sins after I broke up with her.
It's all good - LL
I was never officially under restrictions. I had 'priveledges' at the cong I grw up in, even though I often worked the mikes on a Sunday morning not being able to stand up straight because I was still drunk from the night before, or spending all meeting every meeting on Security in the car park, but these things were overlooked....... In the two subsequent congregations I was in I was never offerd any things to be taken away from me on restrictiuons, although I seemed to be top of the list when they needed unpleasent heavy jobs taken care of.
Mineral, was I on restrictions? I was unofficially shunned by a gossipy sister who shared her lies with others. Pretty soon, other people weren't talking to me. I got to the bottom of it and it got cleared up and people started talking to me. Was she put on restrictions? Nope, and is still gossiping to this day.
(BTW, mineralogist, being here would get you put on restrictions)