How Many Here Were Ever Placed On Restrictions?

by minimus 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • Insomniac

    Micheal-same thing happened to me. I was yanked from the school because of my pierced nose and unrepentant attitude. It was the best thing they could have done for me, because I discovered how nice it was not to have to prepare a part on the school every other week, and to be the householder the rest of the time. From there, it was easy to quit going door-to-door, skip the book study, etc. A few years later, here I am listening to evil music while on an apostate website.

    Thank you, elders, for opening my eyes to the possibilities!

  • Purza

    Yup. I totally forgot about this until now, but about 6 years ago I was privately reproved (I begged the judicial committee not to be publically reproved). They put me on restriction -- I could answer, but not give talks. Totally took the pressure off of me. They didn't realize they were actually doing me a favor. LMAO When I look back now and think about it -- it is amazing how unimportant it all seems.

  • ozziepost
    I was a MS in 76' when I smoked the funny stuff and ratted on my own arse. There was a watchtower at the time that said 'if a sufficent amount of time had passed since a serious sin had happened and one was right in his heart again with Jehovah......then there was no need to pursue the issue'. ...... The intent was for ones who had commited serious error to "report" it to the elders so that the sin is not "covered".

    I had stopped my bad little sin for 5 months when I told on myself.......and the bastards STILL demoted me and put me on restrictions for about a year.

    G'day Gumby,

    Actually they were following the Society's 'rules' in what they did. The intent of the Watchtower comments about "sufficient amount of time" was to 'sign off' on things that had taken place many years previously, so that the 5 months in your case would not be captured by that as it wouldn't be considered that a "sufficient amount of time had passed". (Look, don't think by this that I agree with any of it; I'm just saying what the Society's view was.) In fact, your "little sin" would be considered current at the time and so a JC had to be formed and the least you could expect would be private reproof and restrictions.

    But then again, they did you a favor, didn't they?

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • ozziepost
    I was privately reproved ............ They put me on restriction -- I could answer, but not give talks. Totally took the pressure off of me.

    G'day Purza,

    Privately reproved with restrictions, but allowed to answer?????????

    "totally took the pressure off" you - You ain't kiddin'!!

    Very unusual.

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • mineralogist
    (BTW, mineralogist, being here would get you put on restrictions)

    I wouldn't call it "being on restriction" as i give them no authority and don't go to meetings anymore. That is: if they placed some i don't even feel them - unless of course i get DF'd and friends (from different congos) won't contact me anymore. But who should tell them about my status?

  • blondie

    I luv ya, mineral.

    See, I think you prove my point. On restrictions, never on restrictions, is a man-made thing. You are right, they would probably DF you for being here unless you were "truly repentant." People have been outed by "loyal" family members and friends who have used their computer. I have seen people put on restrictions at the KH that had nothing to do with a JC or a DFing offense or even an offense "worthy" of restrictions. I can remember a school instructor being told by another elder to remove someone from the school because of a personality clash. The school overseer refused and said make it a body discussion first which never happened. I have seen brothers removed from handling the microphones because their sideburns were 1/2 inch too long yet in another congregation brothers were being used with longer sideburns. What a Talmud the WTS has!


  • nobody told me
    nobody told me

    I was removed from being a pioneer (10yrs) because I "said" I wanted to kiss a sister. She was single, I was single, so whats the big deal???? The truth is I had a fall out with the P.O. , so he lovingly found a reason to exercise his muscle. Glad I'm gone.

  • Cicatrix

    " I was unofficially shunned by a gossipy sister who shared her lies with others. Pretty soon, other people weren't talking to me."

    Change sister to elder, and you have my experience. I was unable to just explain to others, though. Since the information came from an elder, they wouldn't listen. Sadly, the information was MISinformation that the elder received from jealous in-laws. They were considered pillars of the community (and were childhood friends of the elder), so were trusted, even though they weren't Witnesses.

    I was scapegoated simply because my in-laws wanted my house!

  • Descender

    I was privately reproved a few times. Once when I was 15 years old for seeing another witness girl at school. Her parents took her out of public school right before 11th grade because of me and she did home schooling until she graduated. Then I was privately reproved twice a year from then on until I was 19 years old for drinking parties with other witnesses from around the area and going to worldy parties and being involved with witness girls with bad reputations.

    Then when I was 20 years old I was disfellowshipped for fornication, got back in within 6 months, and then 6 months later I was disfellowshipped for unclean conduct/fornication once again. Then 5 years later I got back in and faded about a year after that and I'm still faded 2 years later and I guess I'm still on the same restrictions that a newly reinstated person has to adhere to like no talks, answering, prayers, and such things as that.

  • minimus

    most people seem to get put on restrictions by the elders because of "immorality".

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