(BTW, mineralogist, being here would get you put on restrictions)
Being here might get you more than that, unless you could cry a real convincing reason.
by minimus 30 Replies latest jw friends
(BTW, mineralogist, being here would get you put on restrictions)
Being here might get you more than that, unless you could cry a real convincing reason.
How Many Here Were Ever Placed On Restrictions?
Sassy raises her hand.....
I was - 6 months? Never DF though, but I was reproved.
Now I think about it it reminds me how much I hate the JWs
All the above:
Privately Reproved
Publicly Reproved
and Dissfellowshipped... you know, that word that's not in the dictionary.
Believe it or not, I always tried hard to be a great witness; I was even a servant for about a year. I just kept falling down. Mainly because of all the sh*t happening around me.
Believe it or not, I always tried hard to be a great witness; I was even a servant for about a year. I just kept falling down. Mainly because of all the sh*t happening around me.
The organisation fell down many times with their doctrinal blunders and medical blunders. These "falls" were OK however by Jehovah. None of these men were ever put on restrictions for printing lies and "falling". These lies costed many their lives because of obedience to an organisation of men who "fell"......yet this organisation was never reproved. They will TELL you they were reproved when 7 of them were locked up for sedition.......but that's another story.
Kind of...was told I could'nt speak at meetings until I was married....I was setting a bad example (I was only studying at the time and this was cming from the mouth of an elder who was a pervert and a thief lol) I was told I would be ' allowed ' to speak and be approved of etc after I got married...no pressure then....so I got married.......and decided that as they'd made me feel so awful that i'd never again comment at a meeting ...and i did'nt
.Reported the elder for it though and got him to make a grovelling appology to me for his 'un scriptual' order.
i was publicly disassociated for talking to Mormons
Just once . I was DFed - which is pretty restrictive and has lasted 19 years so far
I was once when I was 17 when my Father found out that I was drinking in school and writing graffiti in the subways and in school and I was baptized for a year. So I couldn't give talks for 6 months! Boo-Hoo! I wish I was restricted more and longer!
The organisation fell down many times with their doctrinal blunders and medical blunders. These "falls" were OK however by Jehovah. None of these men were ever put on restrictions for printing lies and "falling". These lies costed many their lives because of obedience to an organisation of men who "fell"......yet this organisation was never reproved.
Gumby, good point! Wow - they try to make us feel so unworthy and like they are doing us all a favor by "allowing" us to be "acceptable" or "approved" for certain "privileges" - yet they are monstrously guilty of wrongdoing themselves.