To the Defenders of George Bush and the War in Iraq

by Greenpalmtreestillmine 208 Replies latest social current

  • bisous

    Actually, you didn't do that until later. You just stated a loaded question and told people to list their names (and while you say SCREEN names...that is kind of questionable since every post reflects the screen name of the poster).

    Only later did you place a few comments about your feelings about the people defending the war vs. your efforts to stop it or Bush....not a very thoughtfully composed argument, IMO

  • RevMalk

    Because generally supporters of our President, our troops and the war are not as mouthy and pushy as those that oppose. That's a fact in most cases, regardless of the topic. Why should I be out shoving my views in someone's face? I can't be someone else's conscience, that's up to their own minds and hearts. When it comes time to defend your country and your countrymen (even those that spit on you), that needs to be a decision made on your own. They don't need me to decide for them.

  • Greenpalmtreestillmine


    I asked a question, this I believe is not new here. If you think I wanted people's real names then please report me to Simon.

    Sorry, I guess I'm not good at composing good arguments. I was just trying to make a point. The PBS News Hour every evening shows the pictures, names and ages of the kids that have died in Iraq. Have you watched it? I do, every evening. It is hard to watch but I make myself do it. They are dying, I do not think they should be. So I come here and complain about it. I am not an eloquent poster or a smart poster. I just try to speak what is on my mind.


  • bisous

    hmm, Rev, I was replying to Green...

    unless the 2 of you are in on this

  • SixofNine

    What is so sad is that the supporters of this war are no doubt sincere in their beliefs (unfocused and based on the basest of emotions, pride, as those beliefs are), although I do think they'd think again if a loved one of theirs was killed; a son or daughter. Of course, some people will only react to something like that by hardening their beliefs.... at that point it is even more painful to admit they were wrong.

    I know that you'll find people in this thread saying "yes, I'd sign up, and I'd gladly have my son or daughter sign up" but the mathmatical reality is that it is very doubtful that they would. To my knowledge, this war has not increased the rate of entry into the army, so unless JWD is just a hotbed of neocon loyalty, those people are probably just not doing the self-examination you're asking of them, Greentrees.

    But human nature being what human nature is, this war has made and is making all our children less safe. This war is not a war on terror, it is a war that serves only to encourage terror. Simple human nature. You can see a mirror image of the enraged muslim jihadist in the crazed with fear eyes of every war supporting American. Simple human nature. Sun Tzu can spout great wisdom till the sun sets on the British empire, but if the leader of the the free world (GW Bush btw) says "Sun T'who?", the free world is screwed. Do you like the way I said "screwed" instead of "f***ed", Ozzie?

    ... this war highlighted America's military strength ~ it was a most impressive display. Now it is showcasing America's military limitations. Nice going, genius.

  • L_A_Big_Dawg

    Damn straight I would volunteer. As far as my son, the newly turned 14, he said that he would have volunteered if he was old enough.

  • bisous

    Green, wasn't damning your intelligence necessarily...just the fact that it wasn't great judgement in how you posed your questions, IMO. They didn't come across as sincere but, like I said, came across as baiting and challenging...I'm surprised any war supporters even bothered to post, knowing they were to be attacked.

    Yes I am abundantly aware of the daily deaths reported regarding OUR kids, sadly not the numerous Iraqis that have died to date. I am assertively and actively against this war, I am the mother of a 21 year old son and worry for him....if a draft should return. I think Bush is a moron and the flunky of his administration.

    But I also like a fair debate. My opinion and only point. and since this is a discussion board, we are equally free to express those.

  • Xena

    I never stated that anyone other than myself was offended by you did I? lol like you said "it's a discussion board"...and uumm not just for you to discuss what you want but for me to disagree with you. Go figure, huh?

    Because generally supporters of our President, our troops and the war are not as mouthy and pushy as those that oppose. That's a fact in most cases, regardless of the topic. Why should I be out shoving my views in someone's face? I can't be someone else's conscience, that's up to their own minds and hearts. When it comes time to defend your country and your countrymen (even those that spit on you), that needs to be a decision made on your own. They don't need me to decide for them.

    that pretty much answers your question. (thank you Rev ) Six, you don't know me, you don't know my level of self-examination on this or any other issues so please don't presume to. We are in this war now whether or not we like it, so yes I would fight it regardless of whom is president. As I stated before considering the alternative, I prefer to be on the winning side.

  • wednesday

    You support the war, you should be out there recruiting young people for that war, it is raging now you know! Whether I work to defeat President Bush in April or in October is irrevelent, he will be defeated. He must be defeated.


    it is time to take your meds,and get some sleep.

    U started a bush bashing thread- face it.

    The PBS News Hour every evening shows the pictures, names and ages of the kids that have died in Iraq. Have you watched it? I do, every evening. It is hard to watch but I make myself do it. They are dying, I do not think they should be. So I come here and complain about it.

    Really, put down th remote, step away from the TV and go for a walk. Fresh air will help. i'm afraid we will be in Iraq for a while so don't drive yourself crazy. Or join the army and go help support the troops.
  • SixofNine
    you don't know me, you don't know my level of self-examination on this or any other issues so please don't presume to.

    Of course not, other than what you express here. And yet I'm right though, aren't I, about the fact that more people are not supporting the war by joining the military (in measurable amounts)? Some comments from recruiters:

    "Interest in the military is always high during times of patriotism," said Marine Sgt. Jimmie Perkins. "But numbers don't go up or down during a time of crisis like the current operation."

    "It's a big decision," added Perkins, who noted there was not a dramatic jump in Marine enlistment following the Sept. 11 attacks. "People who choose to serve do it for more than just patriotism."

    The top reason people enlist in the Air Force remains to continue their education, McCree said, "regardless of whether we are at war or if their dad is in the Air Force." It has met its yearly enlistment goal of about 37,000 recruits for four consecutive years.

    So of course you can be the exception, but how many exceptions does a small group like JWD get? Hence my comments. Statistically speaking, you've pretty much just killed everyone else on JWD's chance to join up and beat them a-rabs!

    Xena, I'm curious what you mean by "winning side"? What will constitute a "win" of this war, in your opinion?

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