Let me tell you my experience in going to Bethel.
At the Bethel meetings at the district conventions we were told not to get trained in anything that it would not increase our chances of getting accepted to Bethel. There were numerous opportunities where I had considered going to a trade school while pioneering only to be talked out of it by my parents and elders.
When I got to Bethel, I was assigned to the Paint and Scaffold Crew. There was a young guy who was assigned to this same crew with me. He was mortified to say the least. It turned out that he had some connections and actually got accepted to Bethel before turning 19. He was 18 years old.
He wanted to be an artist and I suppose he was pretty good at it. He wanted out of the Paint and Scaffold Crew so badly that he would leave the Paint and Scaffold Crew department and then go and volunteer to work in the art department after hours. He kept trying to get on the good side of the art dept overseer about getting transferred. This severely ticked off the powers at Bethel and the basically told him to stop doing it or he would never get transferred out of the Paint and Scaffold crew. I wonder if he is still there.
In another interesting story, there was this one guy who came to Bethel with me who got some good advice from his parents who evidently knew how Bethel worked. He went to school and got a degree of some sort in drafting. He did temporary work at Bethel every few months until the overseers in the drafting department asked him to apply for Bethel service.
When our assignments were announced he already knew that he was going to be assigned to the drafting department. The interesting thing was that I got a chance to talk to him after his first month in the drafting department and he was not very happy. It seems that they were making him to grunt work and that he got more interesting projects and assignments working as a temporary worker. Of course, my first couple of weeks was spent scraping paint off the floor of the paint mixing area on the Paint and Scaffold crew floor of the 360 Furman Building. That was fun. :) By the way, I was later informed that assignment was about humility. It had to be because when the guys would come into the mixing area to clean their brushes every evening it was like we had done nothing at all to clean the floor.
Jeff S.