I was told that If I waited on Jehovah he would provide for me and to continue pioneering and not go to college.
If you sit on your ass, not plan for your future, and just sell magazines for us, sooner or later, your JW mate or your worldly relatives will pick up the tab for your otherwise lazy ass.
Hows that for Jehoobah providing for you !!!!
Hmmm....where exactly *was* this imaginary congregation?
Please post the name of this congregation and the name of that brother specifically. There's a couple of well meaning brothers I know who'd like to have a "conversation" with him.
The WTS is not happy with the current trend about further schooling based on the 1992 WT. The CO and DO at the circuit assembly came down hard on parents that were not encouraging their children to pursue education ONLY to enable them to be in the full-time service. Many experiences were given downgrading those who made university choices and uplifting those who had turned down scholarships. It's like going back in time. I don't think it will work though. The adults were chastised for being materialistic and buying homes, cars, large screen TVs, and, heavens, jet-skis.
Blondie (I want a big screen TV; now I'll have to hide it)
Back then, Brother Prescott Adams was already pretty old. I doubt he is still alive. He carried some pretty good weight around the area. Others posters from the Franklin MA area can attest to that at least.
I'm getting weepy just thinking that you might not believe me. You New Yorkers are soooo distrustful.
One time, while we were fading away, my father spoke to another elder, Jim Partridge, about the topic. Aside: Later on Big Jim was caught servicing where the need was greater with a female co-worker on a business trip. Anyway, my dad got Jim to admit that the whole 'don't go to college' thing was a primarily a recruiting ploy for Bethel.
Even when I was firmly planted in the "truth" I had a problem with the no education rule. Without much fanfare I completed a BS degree and MBA while serving as a MS and an elder. I was able to take weekend classes and while I missed some meetings because of school, I stayed under the radar and was never counciled. In fact, I made it a point in any of my meeting part to give very pro-education comments.
I have a personal commitment to never not be going to school and am continue my education now by taking some Master's level tax classes at a local college.
I was at my j.w. sisters home *briefly, because of a family matter* the other morning. She home-schools her children. It was late in the morning and her children and her husband were piled up in the livingroom watching a movie!!! I didn't say anything, but it bothered me that they were not in school, or at least studying their home-school material. Makes me wonder what office building her children will be cleaning in the future!!!
Edited by - Tinkerbell4125 on 18 November 2002 18:49:34