
by mayflower 23 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Scully

    Welcome Mayflower

    Your best bet is to NOT discuss your doubts with ANYONE, including the elders. That way NOBODY can say that you have "apostate tendencies".

    Feelings of guilt and shame for Leaving The Truth? are only natural at this point - after all you have had years of Inculcation and Mental Regulating? that has ingrained in you that there is no good reason to become inactive as a JW. Not even your own conscience telling you that something is dreadfully wrong in the Organization is a "good enough" reason to slow down.... because it means that you are Relying On Your Own Understanding? instead of Waiting on Jehovah?.

    In all honesty, the only ways available to JWs to conscientiously object to corruption and wrongdoing in the organization (like speaking out about the problems in the organization, boycotting meetings and service and association, and withdrawing financial support) are viewed in a very negative light by JWs. That is a very unhealthy environment, particularly when we have been trained to believe in a higher moral and ethical standard. Good for you for taking the high road!!

    I, too, highly recommend the book The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse (David Johnson & Jeff VanVonderen), along with its companion Tired of Trying to Measure Up (Jeff VanVonderen), and When God Becomes a Drug (Leo Booth) as very valuable tools to help you identify spiritually abusive groups and spiritually unhealthy behaviours.

    Enjoy your visits here. We're all in this thing together.

    Love, Scully

  • confusedjw

    You bet sister. I've been inactive for a year and the first few months were very tough. All I can say is read their material now after you have been out a while, it feels so "loaded" with phrases and obvious mind control techniques and non-humility that it will help you know that it's not healthy.

  • cruzanheart

    (((((mayflower))))) Welcome! Yes, I know EXACTLY how you feel. When I left (two years ago), I had anxiety and panic attacks because I felt that I was condemning my children to certain death at Armageddon by leaving. It shocked me that I felt that strongly about it, but then I came to realize that, while Jehovah's Witnesses may not be a cult in the strictest definition of the term, they are pretty close. I went to therapy for a while, and it helped talking things out with an impartial third party. Gradually I started to feel as though I was shedding an enormous burden, and now, two years later, I've never been happier.

    I think it takes greater faith in God to take that step away from the organization you've been taught is THE truth, and trust that God will understand your reasons for leaving, and it's okay with Him.

    I hope you enjoy your stay here -- I've found it marvelously healing to hear from others who felt the same way that I felt. Ask us anything!



  • franklin J
    franklin J

    hey mayflower,

    welcome to the new world! The more friends you make ( non jw) and the more non jw positive experiences you have with these friends, the easier it will be to heal, and move forwrd with your life.. Eventually the fog will lift , it does take time, and you will wonder how you ever got involved with these people.

    good luck, Frank

  • blacksheep

    Welcome Mayflower. What you are experiecing is very, very normal. You have been taught that if you question any of the JW beliefs, you should feel guilt. Guilt about "stumbling others." Guilt that YOU have done something wrong. The solution is to just get busier in service, meetings, association, etc., so you do not have time to really think.

    By the time I stopped going to meetings/service, etc., I personally had gotten over much of the guilt, because I think I questioned things all along the way (I was raised as a witness). Nevertheless, I still felt terribly alone, fearful, like something bad was going to happen to me. What helped ME most was reading Steve Hassan's book "Combatting Cult Mind Control." It really helped me take that next emotional and psychological step to feeling much better. If you objectively compare the JW beliefs to what he outlines as organizations who function through mind control, I think you'll begin to undertand the source of your feelings and feel much better about yourself.

    I agree with others; don't discuss your concerns/questions with anyone in the congregation. It will just make it harder for you. They'll step up the pressure on you. You won't get objective answers, and most of all you will never convince them that you're questioning the belief system/doctrines is a GOOD thing.

    You'll find lots of support here.

  • blacksheep

    Oh, and I forgot to mention. You are not a bad person. You are a very strong person. You will be even stronger in the future. Weakness is succumbing to pressure to do something you really don't believe is right. It takes a lot of character to succesfully leave the witnesses when you discover it's not right for you.

  • Maverick

    It takes time to deprogram yourself my friend. Welcome and drink lifes freedom. All it costs is your time and working your brain. The WTS tries to take both of those from you. They want all your time and to do your thinking for you. You are not Bad.Bad.Bad! You've just been had.had.had! Maverick

  • mayflower

    Wow! Thank you all for your replies.


  • cyber-sista

    Yes Mayflower, I know exactly what you are saying. Even though our logical mind can point out to us the right course, our emotions are still programmed to respond in a certain way--I guess this is the brainwashing part. We were trained to think of people with doubts as being weak and or wicked and we now assume this about ourselves even though it makes no logical sense to us. When I first found this site just a couple of months ago I spent hours (you can see all the posts I wrote) on the computer reading and processing. I needed validation of what I was feeling from others who could understand what I was going through. There was no one else at the time I could talk to, esp not any active JWs. People who haven't experienced life in the Org don't understand it totally either. So I think it's good to connect with sites like this even if we are all out here floating around in cyber-space--it helps the process and gives a certain degree of support that we probably couldn't find elsewhere. The best to you. It is not an easy journey, but it is worth it to find yourself.

  • exjdub

    Welcome Mayflower!

    Although I am very new to the discussion board, my wife and I walked away 7 years ago and we went through much of what you are going through. Because I was "raised in the Truth" I was quite accustomed to beating myself up over not doing enough. It is a JW time honored tradition. Think about how many times that you have said to yourself: "I am not doing enough." "I should be out in service more." "I didn't study the Watchtower before the meeting." "Did I read the Text today?" "Am I having my Family Study?" and so on and so on and so on... This same behaviour will continue for a time because that is the way you are taught to think and this is repeated over and over again from the platform and from the literature. I know because I felt the above feelings of inadequacy and guilt for the entire 36 years that I was in the Org.

    The defensive reaction that you are getting is quite typical when you want to leave the Org. They are thinking to themeselves that it CAN'T be the Organization that has failed to keep you in the "Truth", so therefore it is something that you are failing at, and so they pile more guilt on. Soon someone will be telling you that it is Satan fooling you and that you are in his grasp. I have to also agree with the group that you probably don't want to voice that the reason you are leaving is that you have doubts. You won't convince any of them of your position because they are in defensive mode, as you mentioned, and they are panicing right now because you are leaving. When they have wrestled with you over leaving and are unable to change your mind the final thing will be to quote Peter: "Where else would I go???" When that pops out it generally is with some admission by the person that they have had doubts too, but they will not act on them because they cannot imagine leaving the Organization. Finally, most everyone on this Board has found something that works for them to help with some of the guilt and selfish feelings. What works for one, may not work for another. Read some of the past posts of people that have left the Org and see if any of the comments are helpful. Also, you mentioned your Bible trained conscience. My Bible trained conscience and reasoning ability is finally what moved me. The identifying mark is love. I was not seeing that despite the Society, in the literature, telling me repeatedly that JW's were the only ones that had "love amongst themeselves." I have seen 36 years of mental abuse, physical abuse, lying, cheating, greed, corrupt elders, corrupt CO etc. etc. and a lack of love. Never did this manifest itself so clearly as when I was a Ministerial Servant. Of course when one questions the fruitage that has been produced through the Organization, the only explanation that is given is that "men are imperfect". When something good would happen in the Org it was Jehovah's spirit, when something bad happens it is "imperfect men". Where is the responsibility? The tree has been producing rotten fruit. And, as your Bible trained conscience tells you: A fine tree cannot produce rotten fruit. Sorry all for the long post... That was 7 years of pent up stuff. I am new and should probably sit and listen to the veterans speak, but I just can't watch someone beat themeselves up for normal and healthy feelings of doubt. It is contrary to my nature. Good luck (or should I say fortune?;>) ) Mayflower, try to enjoy the journey. Freedom is very sweet. When I am in the ocean surfing on a Tuesday or Thursday evening, I still get a wonderful sensation that I am doing something I love to do and I am not trapped in a Meeting listening to repetetive material that is recycled year after year. Warmest Regards. Ex

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