If JWD were to shut down tommorow......

by ScoobySnax 67 Replies latest jw friends

  • mouthy


  • run dont walk
    run dont walk

    Why ask questions that can't happen

    Like asking a JW , what if Armageddon never comes

    or what if the Watchtower closes down tomorrow (can you imagine the party that would go on !!!)

  • itsallgoodnow

    Well, I sure as heck would get more work done, if you know what I mean... I think my boss would like it.

    I would be a little sad, though. I get a few kicks out of coming here and discussing the Witnesses. I'd probably go through a few sudden withdrawal symptoms at first, that I hope would level out after a while, and then I'd be ok. I guess. Yeah, I'd be ok.

    How would you feel, Scooby?

  • 4JWY

    I'd save a heckofalotta money! I go through so much ink and paper because every week I sent my friend in another state, stacks of printed threads since she does not have a computer. She is benefitting greatly from seeing that she and her family are certainly not alone in trying to make the break from WTS. I am always hearing the - 'DO MORE ! " refrain from her as she awaits the next delivery.

    This is legal, isn't it?

    She sends a huge THANK YOU to all !


  • waiting

    lol - I sent all my print outs - sheer volumes - to some other existing jw's also. Told them to keep them until the next existing jw wants to learn The Truth....pass The Truth on, eh?

    If Simon & Ang decided to get some much deserved Peace & Quiet and shut this funhouse/forum down?

    I would miss this place - it HAS filled a void for me. Also for my husband, who regularily asks "what's going on NOW?"

    But life does go on.....and we can choose a lot of the *tone* of that life. Well, sometimes we can anyway.

    Thanks Simon & Ang for continuing to give us all a "place" - it's been a great place to visit!


    ps: Good point, Ozzie.

  • Englishman
    You Valis however need to check I think its maybe in the first 5, I swear theres something there that fits your above post, you of all people particularly as forum assistant should be more vigilant.....call it setting an example.

    Umm...bit KH'ish that IMHO. Certainly nothing like the real world, Scooby.

    Life ain't fair pal!

    Jesus wept..mods setting the right example. That Matey, is newbie ex-dub dreamland! Christ sake, can you imagine it?

    I mustn't do this or that 'cos someone might be stumbled?

    Good grief, naivete or what. Real immature, newbie, childish and totally unrealistic IMHO.


  • ScoobySnax

    Englishman. Its nothing to do with "being stumbled" its to do with posting guidelines......something that I would think would apply equally to all. But then I've been there before.....and not about to again.

    This thread is clearly over. Thanks for some of the genuine replies.


  • flower

    ok granny grace, but can i bring someone with me?

  • Englishman


    We ALL break the rules from time to time. Note the "time to time", that's not the same as most of the time!

    That's why I get my posts occasionally moved or deleted. That's why I zapp Simon sometimes. It's all to do with what's appropriate. Often a mod may get overly heated and another mod steps in because he/she is better equipped to deal with a situation that may be pressing another mods buttons.

    This is a moderated board and mods get modded!

    It ain't no democracy, we're not voted in, we don't have to set an example of whiter than white behaviour. This is not a Kingdom Hall, this is the real world!

    BTW we do try to achieve a shade of pale grey though....


  • LittleToe

    FLOWER!!!! Go to my room!!!

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