life after death

by Sookie 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • UpAndAtom
    I've had experience of such "lucid dreaming", too.

    I've only ever had two lucid dreams in my life. In all other cases my dreams fall into several categories.

    • Strange - recurring, then a one off. I've only ever had one of these. A recurring dream that had been persisting for weeks when I was only four years old. One night, I woke up in fright and ran to my parents bedroom - only to continue seeing the dream floating above their bed. I remember looking at it, trying to figure out what it was. It slowly faded, and was never seen again. Part of me thinks, it was the last dying seconds of my former life being replayed somehow, although I am not 100% convinced. Now that I'm older, I've had a fascination with researching aircraft accidents... It only occurred to me recently, that this form of death may match what I saw and heard in that dream as a child. The scream in my dream was terrifying! Since I never had time to research why I was dying or what was going wrong at the time of my previous death, I now feel that my soul needs questions answered.. and thus I feel the need to research aircraft accidents. I still have an open mind about this dream... I could be wrong.
    • Lucid - only twice. Extremely rare for me (only had two in my life). This is when I am aware of myself, within the dream. Wish I could do this all the time.
    • Flying Dream - a dozen times maybe more. A very rare dream, in which I stretch out my arms, and start flying with a totally excellent floating sensation. Wish I could have these every night!
    • Real to ultra-real - very often. Usually a conversation with a person with action which includes a complete theme, and specific message. These dreams often wake me up with a fright, or with very strong emotions remembered long after. This is where communication with others living or dead takes place. It is not unusual for me to have the identical dream as another person within this kind. Sometimes I can also exchange bodies with other animals and see and hear things from their perspective. I once heard what a whale hears, when an aeroplane flies far overhead, but the whale is in deep water. Sometimes I attend musical recitals and listen to the most wonderfully composed music that has never been heard before. I have even seen and listened to music instruments that don't exists, play the most wonderful music I wish dearly I could purchase in real life. I can "almost" read newspapers in this kind of dream. These dreams usually awesome in some way.
    • Dream within a Dream - often. These are strange to say the least. Often I have nested dreams. In which I wake up and tell my partner about the dream I just had... and then I wake up for real and tell her for real... again!! Sometimes these dreams are nested two levels deep. The nested dreams are usually daily rubbish. I think these dreams are part-way to lucid, but don't quite make it to a full lucid dream. They just confuse me.
    • Recurring / Theme / Message Driven - very often. This is usually a group or series of dreams back to back, all in the one night. Often the people and action varies considerably, however this is always a common theme running through all of them. These dreams usually repeat themselves over successive nights or weeks until I understand the message contained. Sometimes the same dream will recurring over several years. It drives me nuts.
    • Daily Rubbish - all the time. Quite often I simply dream of events that took place in the day or week.. or events or scenarios I would day dream about in waking state. Usually rubbish, usually there is no message, theme or pattern amongst them.
    • Sexual - occasionally. Dreams in which I am intimate with others. I usually fulfil a sexual desire and feel it's full effects. I consider these dreams the selfish side of my personality... the dark under-current that is never shown to the outside world. As a side-note, the remarkable Edgar Cayce (the sleeping prophet) said whilst under a deep trance on his way to the "hall-of-records"; that he passed by a sexual-zone in which people of all grotesque body shapes and proportions were lustfully fulfilling ever type of sexual deviate behaviour. He noted that the pull into this "dark zone" was powerful and felt that he needed to stay clear of it, lest he get trapped (essentially dying whilst in trance... or at least that's how I read it). He had to stay on the steady narrow path to the hall of records.

    Sorry for hi-jacking this thread about Dreams... I just like talking about them since I have so many of them. Cheers.

  • LittleToe

    Since death may be said to be putting off the mortal coil, and I believe it is possible to do something similar in dreams, I believe that it's entirely on-topic.

    Mine usually fall into three categories:

    • Lucid dreams - at the border of conscious and sub-conscious, where interaction is possible
    • Sub-conscious processing - where problemsa are worked out and a solution presented in symbols
    • Prophetic - full on de-ja-vu, where the events usually occur 6-12 months later. Sometimes with interweaved symbolic elements, but usually with precise pictures of places, people and conversations
  • LyinEyes

    I dream all of those kinds of dreams. I can tell you , I know when something is a just rubbish dreams, I usually will forget little details of dreams, but I can stumble upon a thought a word , a smell , sound etc. and it can trigger the memories of what my dreams were about.

    I have had dreams of knowing what the future was going to be. I have dreams of being in a dream all the time. I have night terrors as well.....not really nightmares, but just things that are very real , things I am consciously scared of as well,,,,,,,not monsters. I am afriad of pyschchological things ,,,,,that is why I like those kinds of movies the pyshchological thrillers.( I can't spell for crap today....hehe)

    Like UpandAtom said,,,,,,,,,, some of my dreams , the ones where I too believe, it is possible , that my mother has spoken with me, are the ones that I will never forget, not one detail of them. I can feel her in these dreams,,,,, I can smell her hair, I remember her laugh and her voice again. I hear her calling my name as she did when I lived at home.

    Now I have had many dreams and my mother was in these dreams, but as I said, a few of these dreams where not just little details dreams of our life together, past things coming back to mind, but the dreams had a purpose. In these , I knew she was coming back to talk to me, she said so in the dream, she said it was real not a dream, and she said she couldnt stay with me ,but could for a short time to help me get thru the first few days after her death. That dream was the most real dream I have ever had in my life. It was so powerful that it has been engrained , every detail, into my mind, my heart for the last 18 yrs.

    I think the subject on dreams here does have to do with the subject of life after death. By sharing our personal dream experiences , we find a common ground, some of us may be intuned with a very spritiual side of things that even we can not fully understand or explain.

  • UpAndAtom

    It's a pretty rare event that I have prophetic dreams... and when I do the dreams turns out to be part-way correct.

    I do however, have prophetic visions during normal waking state - normally warnings (why can't it be lotto numbers!!!) These visions come to me as a freak snow flake on a warm day, barely visible before it dissapears to the point I wonder if I really saw it. Usually a short time later (within 30 mins), the vision comes true in vivid detail. This type of vision is so difficult to percieve as a vision at the time... although I am getting better at judging this. The last vision I had was of having a fatal car collision. Barely seeing the snow-flake I took my car for a quick test drive anyway (I had just repaired it so didn't bother to take mobile phone, shoes etc.). As the traffic light turned green, I suddenly remembered my vision only minutes before. I paused at the green light (causing the inattentive person next to me to also wait despite having a green). Then I noticed a car moving fast through the interesection against the red light. He t-boned the car next to me, who eventually started moving. If I had've been in a hurry, I would've easily died that day as my head would've met the grill of the other car. Because I waited due to my vision, the guy next to me waited too and got off lightly when he got t-boned. My vision saved my life directly, and the guy next to me indirectly. I can't think of a better vision than that... and can't think of a better proof that God does not mind humans being in tune with the Universe.

    Thanks for sharing guys, it's great to hear some feedback I can recognise.

  • Sookie

    Thanks for the feedback! And pearls of wisdom from all of you, especially Freein89 and UpandAtom. I think I will take your suggestion to tell people exactly what I need from them to help me in this process. That makes sense. Regarding dreams, I have had several regarding my boyfriend and most are very vivid conversations as if I am there. And I have very prophetic visions, frequent de ja vu. When my boyfriend passed away, I felt him "leave." It was a very sudden deep sadness that came over me. I knew something was wrong.

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