What's was your most "embarrassing" moment as a JW ???

by run dont walk 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Corvin
    From the age of about 15 onwards, I had a problem during the final prayer

    FMZ, I know how you felt.

    Going through puberty in the 70's while wearing tight Angel's Flight pants sucked . . . and getting unsolicited woodies while sitting in the Kingdom Hall and dreading the intermission song when i would have to stand.

  • avishai

    Yup, corvin, I was a master at strategically holding the bible. That's why I never got the smaller song books, that one was juuuuusssst right.

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    I think this will top everyone;

    I was a crippled child with severe bloody ulcerative colitis for 28 brutal years,[1970-1998]

    Symptomology includes urgent and frequent bloody bowel movements on the order of 30 X's a day for 28 years.

    The only cure is a total proctocolectomy with illeostomy.The bowel comes out all 16 lbs of it,and a colostomy bag is attached[ which i now have thanks to missmangement,

    of my illness because you know the ''new system'' was gonna 'cure me' in 1975]

    I attended all meetings and went door to door.

    I rest my case..

    Post script: I almost forgot.nobody can call me an asshole anymore because I DON'T HAVE ONE.

  • avishai


    By the way, you totally kick ass, man. I reallly admire what you do. The first time I saw your site, I damn near cheered. To know that you do it in poor health damn near makes me cry. You are my new hero, Danny.

  • ohiocowboy

    I actually have 3-I don't know which one is the most embarrasing or the funniest!

    1. When I was about 16, I was going door to door with an older Brother, this brother had a big green Booger hanging out of his nose-I mean OUT HIS NOSE! Being much younger, I did not want to embarrass him by saying anything, so I spent the hour in service with him knocking on doors, hoping nobody would be home-naturally, most were- and needless to say, we did not place much lit. that day! It was sooo hard seeing people's reactions when they opened the door! It must have been "Jehovah's Spirit" that kept me from totally busting out at the gills with laughter!

    2. At about age 13, being a young male, "Things" happen to "Pop Up" at the most inopportune times without warning-The brother on stage says "Now lets all stand and sing song number such and such". Up we go, and out it pokes. Thinking back, Too bad the song wasn't "Keep your eyes on the prize"!!!

    3. At about age 17, during the Theocrapic Ministry school, my parents were in the 2nd school, and my Grandmother and I were in the main hall. Seated about 6 rows from the front during a talk, I reached down to get something from the floor when VRRRRRRRRRIP! I let out one the the loudest farts that I have ever done! I sat up, beet red by this time, and my Grandmother elbowed me to keep my mouth shut. The brother on stage's eyes were as big as silver dollars, as the little ones in the cong. kept snickering. As soon as second school got out, my parents came through the door, and a Sister went to my mother and said "L----" you will never guess what your son did! After the meeting another brother came up and said that it felt as if he "Got shot in the back"! It took awhile to live that one down! That Eggplant Parmesian really kicked!

  • jws

    • When I was about 13 or 14, I was a microphone carrier. During school, the days were long, waking at 5:30am. So, by 9pm, I'm exhasted. During the Theocratic Ministry School, which seldom had a lot of comments, I dozed off. The speaker calls on some sister, but I'm asleep. Then he calls my name: Brother S******. That woke me up. I processed the name, and headed straight to my dad, who is looking at me with this "not me" look. After letting me head the wrong way and do this, the speaker finally repeats the name as the whole cong is laughing.
    • Felt pretty embarassed when they were installing new air conditioning in our hall. I was maybe only 10 and my dad was working on the project. I went up the ladder into the attic and almost immediately put my foot through the ceiling.
    • Once my brother and I were going door-to-door, but not knocking because we didn't want to have to talk to anyone. So, we'd go up to the door, pretend to knock, then stand there talking. At one door, we're standing there, waiting our time when somebody from behind a screen window speaks up and asks us what we're doing there.
    • I had one return visit in a retirement community with a woman who loved inviting us in, but I don't think she had a clue what we were talking about. At one point, I'm trying to wrap it up and get out of there, when out of the blue, unrelated to anything we were telling her, she asks "Should we pray"? Which caught me off guard and I found hilarious. You probably have to be in the JW mindset I was in. First off, I didn't lead public prayers. I was only a teen. But here was this old woman who was out of it, requesting it. I started to pray, but my brother and I found it so hilarious, we were snickering through the whole thing. It was kind of embarassing to lose it in front of the return visit.
  • shotgun

    Thanks ohiocowboy for the ROFL

    After the meeting another brother came up and said that it felt as if he "Got shot in the back"!
  • xjw_b12

    LuckyNun. You have the most fing interesting stories. You should write a fing novel.

  • roybatty

    Jeez, after reading all those, mine seems pretty pathetic. Working the street you live on out in service when I was about 13 or 14 years old. OMG, I can still see all my friends pointing and laughing at me. This freakin MS made me even do my neighbors house.

  • xjw_b12

    LOL at FMZ. Yeah 16 or 17 for me, only on microphone duty.

    Something about that phalllic symbol in front of sister betty big boobs mouth.

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