Probably the time when I was pioneering and leading the group into apartment territory. Within minutes the manager came out and told us to leave. Well I hadn't driven my car and I couldn't find the sister in whose car I had come, so I told the rest of the group to go to another territory, and waited for a very slow sister.
I stood by her car and about 30 minutes later the manager came out again, I explained the situation, told her I was not going door to door but I couldn't leave because I didn't have a car. Didn't matter to her. She was going to call the cops (that'll show me). So within just a couple of minutes a couple of redneck cops show up (why don't they respond that quickly to anything else), go into the manager's office and then come out with night sticks drawn. I'm a real dangerous guy.
So I bend over to get my bookbag, when I hear a loud >RIP<. My pants had split wide open. As the two Barney Fife wannabes were telling me to leave the complex, I could feel a cool spring breeze wafting between my legs. I came up with the brilliant idea of leaning back on to the sister's Ford Pinto, (hoping the gas produced by my now churning intestines would not cause the car to explode), as a way to hide my Underoos.
Fortunately for me the two redneck cops were as lazy as they were dim witted, so to arrest me was more trouble than they wanted to go to. So they came up with the brilliant plan of having me stand on the sidewalk until the amazingly slow sister showed up. The only problem was they were going to wait, and watch, for me to walk the 15 feet to the sidewalk.
I don't know which confused them more, the fact that I chose to walk backwards to the sidewalk or that I chose that moment to give them my opinion that Danny White would never lead the Dallas Cowboys to the Super Bowl. Thankfully they were baseball fans, or thought me certifiable, because they got back in the patrol car and headed for the nearest donut shop.
So for the next 30 minutes I stood on the sidewalk and flashed passing cars. Luckily no one stopped and offered me money as I probably would have gotten in just to get off the damn sidewalk.