How many were raised as a JW during their teenage years?

by codeblue 69 Replies latest jw experiences

  • bikerchic

    I was raised by my JW mom and non JW dad. I was a wild teen, which is probably why my parents let me marry so young, way too young!

    I did all the stuff normal teens do, experimented with everything, dated worldly boys, partied, sneaked to do most of it and yet somehow I really feel being a JW kept me a little bit in check and out of a lot of trouble. I developed a good conscience which I otherwise would have tried hard to squelch.

    But boy would I love to go back and do those teen years over again, only if I could do it with the knowledge I have now.........wooooohooooo can you say PARTY!


  • LuckyNun

    *raises hand*

    it's okay, though. I'm making up for lost time.

  • Dan-O

    There was certainly a list of experiences that I didn't get to enjiy when I wanted to, but I felt like I still got to be a teenager. I just had to be a little more discreet about it ... clean the beer cans out of the truck before pulling in the driveway, hide the roach clip, make sure the condom wrapper made it out the window ...

  • crownboy

    Born and raised JW.

    Since most of my friends were "wordly" anyway (but good worldly ), and my parents allowed me the latitude to hang out with them for the most part (since they were "good" kids), I don't have memories of a terribly scared childhood, but certainly there were some things I was not allowed to do (go to dances, date) that I wish I were able to do back then. Of course, having to be risen from your bed on early Saturday morning to do preaching, or not being able to join a school club because it may interfere with meeting times weren't great either, but I don't really hold too much of a grudge or anything.

    Of course, it helped that I was a (late) teenager when I began my mental exit from the Org., so I don't feel like I've wasted as much time in the religion like others unfortunately have had to. Without the earlier experiences in my life I wouldn't be who I am today, but I'm glad those "experiences" didn't last for too long .

  • Brymichmom

    Well I feel now that since I was a JW teen pre-1975, I never got to really be a normal teenager. We were too busy preparing for the "end". My mother was very strict, I never got to go to the prom because it was for "worldly" kids. I managed to graduate from high school a year early, in 1973 instead of 1974. I wanted to "pioneer" before the "end" came. Puke!

    Now I have a 17 year old son who is a senior in high school. He doesn NOT want to go to the prom and I'm trying to get him to go. I want prom pictures!


  • Ciara

    me too

    "I never got to really be a normal teenager. We were too busy preparing for the "end"."

    I was a born and raised 5th generation JW. They managed to ruin my entire life including teenage years. I can't begin to thank everyone who runs these websites enough. They have been my main source of true information for the past several years. Normally I'm what people call a lurker because I still feel odd talking about it sometimes. But I thank everyone for the inciteful information.


  • RandomTask

    Welcome to the board (officially) Ciara!

  • Soledad

    I have to say that being a teenage JW sure was a heavy burden to carry. I hold no grudges and I'm not bitter about missing out. What bothers me the most though was the ever-present mindset I had about Armageddon being right around the corner. So, that meant that it really wasn't important if I did well enough in school or not. At least not important within the circle of JWs.

    Looking back I am so amazed at how clouded my thinking was by the immenent () destruction of the world!

  • flower

    I felt the same way Soledad. Practically every report card I ever got had the same comment at the bottom. "M__ does not work up to her potential."

    Well of course I didnt. Who the heck cares about school? I was more worried about saving my ass when the big A came. lol.

  • mayflower

    Guess I'm an odd one...At the tender age of 16 while debating over green or blue hair I discovered the ultimate makeover...ankle length skirts, turtlenecks, 'practical' shoes, and square handbags (perfect size for mags)...Somehow I think the blue hair wouldn't have contributed to my non-JW Mother's breakdown as much as the former...

    I'm greatful that I avoided the problems that my old non-JW pals didn't...addictions, unwanted births, blah, blah, blah...but I wonder if the damage done by the JW training has done as much harm in other ways...mentally...

    Did I miss out? My social life was never the same again. While I feel sorry for the girl I became and wish she could have been more care free, I refuse to regret those years. So, yes I did miss out and knew I was missing out ( what I said on the platform at a convention), yet I'm not 16 anymore and refuse to try to make up for it. I need to do what's best for me NOW and somehow that does not involve living like a teenager. No more extremes and I feel happier for it...sigh...

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