It's good to know I am not alone. Growing up as a Witness has built character for me, but it has also stunted my growth to some extent. Socializing has been so hard for me even now; I am still working on building enough self-esteem to feel worthy of friendship to anyone at work or my new "worldly" family. The one factor that I'm just now coming to terms with was concerning my oh-so-unChristian "introversion". A Watchtower study once explained the "extroversion" of Christ, and it pointed out that a true Christian who be like extroverted like Christt. I felt like such a bad person. I remember becoming so drained and overwhelmed after being around people all day in high school, then coming to the meeting and just feeling exhausted around people. I thought there was something wrong with me. I hated field service, because it meant being a salesperson, which was not my cup-of tea at all. In addition, I really wanted to go to college to be an architect, but that was just so sinful, because I should desire to be a pioneer. That desire just never surfaced...
When I got married to a Ministerial Servant, he would belittle me for being so introveted, too. He was actually ashamed of me. He would make accuses for me to his family, who seemed to look at me like I was strange. Eventually, I was thought of by his family as a psycho. I was put on Prozac after I tried to commit suicide and because I cried every damn day.
You can guess what eventually happened......we divorced...My boss noticed my pain. We talked. He, an introvert like me, understood. My boss and I were married within a year. I am learning so much from him. He still helps me understand I am "normal". He has also encouraged to me to go to college...which I am finally doing. Last year, I graduated with my associates with the highest honors. My name and picture were on the front page of the local newspaper because of it. I just HOPE my ex-hubby and the witnesses who thought I was psycho saw that newspaper....I would like to rub it in their faces.
I'm still struggling with my stunted childhood, brought about by comments made concerning my introversion. Just recently, I learned from a psychology textbook that people could take the Myers-Brigg Type Indicator, a personality test. I learned that IT IS OKAY AND NORMAL TO BE AN INTROVERT....