Ciara: welcome to the board....thank you for posting. That must have taken a bunch of courage with your 5th generation JW lineage. Please post more when you can.
I was raised in the "truth" Mom died when I was a young Dad wasn't a JW. Me and my older teen sisters kept going regularly to the meetings. I was constantly made to feel like crap because I didn't comment enough, read all the magazines, or quit school to pioneer. You would have thought they were happy that we just came to the meetings with loosing our MOM. We lived far away from the KH and several Saturdays NO ONE would show up for field service but us.
In school, of course I didn't fit the JW lifestlye. Sassy: I totally identify with you on that one!
Plus when my Mom died, my Dad became an alchoholic...and me and my sisters actually became the ADULTS in the house. Always worried about HOW much DAD was drinking. Or if the house would still be there when we got back from a meeting, because when he was drunk he would cook in the kitchen. One was scorched to pieces and WE had to clean it up...
Talk about being stripped twice of your teen years. I ALWAYS had to be responsible.
I was an A student...had music and education scholarships I couldn't take....because if I did...I would feel like even less of a JW.
I have enjoyed reading all of your experiences...please keep them coming!!!
Thanks to all of you,