Work Experience Brings Back Strange Memories ...

by Wild_Thing 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • undercover

    I've never had a problem with a well-deserved spanking, in the right place, at the right time and never out of a anger. I was only spanked or hit a very few times as a child but I remember them well and they were well deserved.

    The problem with a lot of people, both JWs and non-JWs, is that they use hitting, spanking, whatever, as a substitute for real disclipline. They do it in anger, or on the spur of the moment.

    To hit a child at the KH or church is not really discipline, but a parent acting out in embarassement or anger. Real disclipline will come later, at home. I dreaded getting into trouble at the hall, because I knew there was going to be hell to pay when I got home. The dreadful ride home was as much punishment as the punishment itself.

    I remember people hauling kids to the bathrooms for whippings and we all kind of nodded our heads knowingly, but really, is all that drama necessary?

    The best disipline I saw was an elder whose pre-teen son was misbehaving. He made his son get up and walk out to the lobby, staying 3 steps in front of his dad all the way. The son would stop, look back, Dad would stop, motion for him to continue and they had a deep man to boy talk, no violence, in the lobby. They came back in side by side, Dad's arm around the son and they sat down and the son behaved the rest of the meeting.

    The worst I saw was an elder with his 3-4 year old granddaughter. The granddaughter whose parents were irregular was brought to the hall by the grandparents. This child was not used to sitting still for two hours. The elder grand-dad had his fill of her fiddling around, jerked, and I mean jerked, her up by the elbow, it had to hurt, I saw the pain on her face, and dragged, and I mean literally dragged her to the parking lot where he beat her, and yes, I mean beat her. I was on attendent duty, I saw the whole thing. It was abuse, pure and simple. I was upset at his behavior but didn't do or say anything. Today, I'm ashamed that I at least didn't voice my disapproval at him for his conduct, let alone letting her parents know later what happened or complain to the other elders.

    My long-winded point is that being a JW doesn't mean you're going to be a good parent anymore than it means that you're going to be a bad parent. God's holy spirit(tm) is not on these people anymore than it is on anyone else, so therefore, you're going to have a wide range of good and bad parents and children.

  • Who cares
    Who cares

    My point is this: Weak people are motivated by what they want others to think of them. I could give a crap what some elder or ms (which I am) thinks. I don't and will not spank my child because he can't sit through a meeting. Its not natural for people and children to sit that long. People here all blame the brothers and sisters for their own lacking. People need to quit caring what other people think, don't give people such power over your lives. Being a JWs has nothing to do with what some dumb%$ elder thinks. If you spank your child because thats what you think they want your a fool. I just can't stand blind followers and the JWs seems to attract a lot of them.

  • undercover
    My point is this: Weak people are motivated by what they want others to think of them. .... I just can't stand blind followers and the JWs seems to attract a lot of them.


    So, what keeps you in the borg then?

  • Who cares
    Who cares

    Because they teach god is not a trinity, no hellfire, no killing people!

  • SixofNine
    My point is this: Weak people are motivated by what they want others to think of them. .... I just can't stand blind followers and the JWs seems to attract a lot of them.


    So, what keeps you in the borg then?

    He likely believes that a book supposedly authored by a child killing, petty, and vengeful god is the path to human happiness and salvation. Once you've bought into a line of bullshit that ridiculous, the JW religion is a natural next step, lol.

  • undercover
    Because they teach god is not a trinity, no hellfire, no killing people!

    So you think that they are the only true religion? That the F&DS as led by the Governing Body is spirit anointed? That Armageddon is coming soon and that (barring any unforseen occurences) you will not die? Do you accept all teachings unigue to Jehovah's Witnesses as truth from Jehovah God himself?

  • Gopher
    Because they teach god is not a trinity, no hellfire, no killing people!

    I agree with you on the "no trinity or no hellfire" part. Very few religions or philosophies are 100% wrong. However: Notice that everything you mentioned are teachings designed to NEGATE what other religions teach! JW's can do quite well disproving illogical teachings of other religions. However, when it comes up to creating any good doctrines of their own, their track record is awful. They've had to backpedal and "create new light" any time something goes wrong with one of their teachings, for example the "generation of 1914" teaching which was officially cancelled in 1995. I challenge anyone to name a teaching unique to JW's that is logical and has held up over time. BTW welcome to the board.

  • Who cares
    Who cares

    Six of nine, your fooling yourself. Can't you see what you so arrgonatly believe is the same bullshit? Its just your bullshit. My I suggest you seek council and learn to control your anger.

    Since I was a little kid I never thought JW have the only true religion. In fact I am not so sure there is even a God, I am just hopeful there is. Because if there isnt there is nothing else and we would all be [deleted] like six! The only three things that I see are totally correct teachings is the trinity, hellfire and killing. Aren't some of the mainstreet religions turning the hose on hell now? I laugh at the Revelation book, I wonder what they were smoking when they wrote it. But I love the greatest man book and the new one.

  • undercover

    This is prolly a waste of time, but:

    IF the JWs are right, then you won't make it to the new system with them. IF JWs are right, all non-JWs and fence sitters(like yourself) will have been killed. There is no maybes with the JWs. Either you are or you aren't. So IF they are right, your fence sitting will have been in vain. Your hanging around the edges just in case the JWs are right and hopefully riding into the new system on their coattails is a waste of time.

    Now, if the ex-JWs are right in determining that the JWs are full of it, and they are, then they will be able to live the rest of their lives out of slavery from the WTS.

    You're a slave to the WTS without a hope. Sad.

  • Who cares
    Who cares

    Underwear, I am not a slave to the WTS. I am setting on the fence? I don't think so. And if I am whats so bad about that? Like I said I don't think there is any one true religion, thats why I don't use the term "the truth". We don't know what the truth is. If there is a god he know how I feel. Why do I sense such hostility on this board? It seems like there are a lot of people caring around a lot of excess baggage that they have put on themselves and not the WTS which they are so quick to blame.

    So what do you believe that is so great and mind freeing?

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