Gumby, how exactly is a paddle different from a wooden spoon or a stick, or for that matter a belt. The sole purpose of the paddle is to get a better whack without injury to the punisher.
My dad, mom and the elders used to say "Different kids need different forms of discipline. ****(My little brother) we could spank him all day long until no one could stand up, and he still would do it again. ****(me) we can usually just talk to or give her a restriction. A whole generation of children got ruined by the expert advice. Thank Jehovah for the wise counsel in the bible about discipline. It's too bad we have to spank so much, but if it works..."
Then the elders would praise them for being such good parents and having the "courage" to "discipline" us. Nobody was under any delusion that we were getting a swat on the rump to get our attention either. I KNOW people in the hall heard us screaming. Well, except for the at the Kingdom hall because if we screamed there, we got hit more. It was no secret. Yet they were an example. I got my last beating when I was 18 years old because as long as I was a child I was still under headship and subject to discipline.
Do you know what it's like to wake up in the middle of the night with all your lower body muscles clenched so tight that you have no feeling left in your legs, because you had a nightmare about getting a "spanking?" Then you have no right to tell me what kind of "spanking" is going to cause someone to need therapy. I suppose I would have been better if they had stuck to beating me with only one object... say, a paddle. Because it's totally acceptable to "spank" a little kid with a paddle to make them sit unnaturally still and quiet for 2 hours. Take a look at the next 3-5 year old child you see. A really good look. Then imagine yourself going and getting a ping pong paddle, then you, an adult, winding up and hitting this 40 pound child with it on the butt or legs. Look at the paddle, look at the legs. Then think about it next time you try to minimize the impact that this so-called "appropriate discipline" has on a small child.
I'll raise your *sheesh* with a "shame on you."