Do most ex-Witnesses become atheist just like most exmos? That's where my wife and I are.Also, it seems to me that the Witnesses are much meaner than the mormons when someone leaves the Witnesses. We have our own kind of shunning but it seems to me that the Witnesses are required to shun anyone who leaves whereas the Mormons settle for a kind of condescending-arrogant holier-than-though kind of approach. Are you actually required to shun loved ones who leave? I find that astonishing and it would seem nearly impossible for someone who loves their wife, husband, son or daughter to follow through with it. Am I looking at this wrong?
I doubt that "MOST" become atheists, but a huge percentage do. I am leaning that way.
I definitely believe the Bible is the word of MAN.
JW's are actually required to shun loved ones who leave. Some congregations enforce the
rules better than others, but I know a disfellowshipped lady with a family (they were never JW)
who will make food for her parents (still JW) and they won't shun her like they are supposed to,
but they won't eat "with" her, because that's the supposed Bible principle. She actually prepares
their meal then doesn't eat, so they can have their rightful way.
Another guy, he left the JW's years ago, so his entire family won't speak to him at all until he
gets in their way, literally. They won't tell him where his elderly mother is living now.
Personally, I think the Mormons are a stranger/worse cult while a person is in, but I think the JW's
treat their former members worse. It's a fear thing- let the former members associate and they fear
that others will leave with them.
A husband or wife is not supposed to shun their spouse, though. And parents do not have to shun
a child or adult child who lives in their home. But if they are outside the home, parents or grandparents
are supposed to totally shun the former JW who was baptized as a pre-teen then changed his mind.
Vice-versa, also- shunning parents or grandparents. Many break that rule and fear getting caught.