What's your ethnic background?

by Joker10 82 Replies latest jw friends

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    This is in poor taste( poorly phrased) nevertheless we forgive the transgression:

    It seems that light skinned Ex-Ws speak out more against Watchtower than people of a darker skin color
    Lets make something perfectly clear:The Watchtower DOES exploit minorites.

  • shotgun

    Forgive XJW he speaks with forked tongue.

    I've spent considerable time and money tracing my origin.

    Seems I washed up on a river bank, no no that's not true...actually My mother and XJW's mother ...well they were both mothers and we ended up going to different schools together...tragic really...he never got over it.

    Oh my ethnic origin, Pre-Germany early 1750 settled in Canada and also Scottish.

  • LyinEyes

    I get mistaken as latino all the time. I have spanish speaking peeps coming up to me at Walmart thinking I can help them with something.......I dont know a word of it, unless I learned it at Taco Bell!!!!

    I too, have a very pale complexion,, I don't have the dark skin as my family does,,,,,I got my mother's coloring, except dark eyes and hair, her's hair was red and her eyes were blue.

    I had a friend back in the JW days that was spanish and she had green eyes, black hair, and very pale skin. I truly believe that there is more spanish in background than what I know. The spaniards did settle in our area way back and I am sure there is more than french and indian on my dad's side.

  • Sassy
    I get mistaken as latino all the time. I have spanish speaking peeps coming up to me at Walmart thinking I can help them with something.......I dont know a word of it, unless I learned it at Taco Bell!!!!

    that will happen to me too Dede.. although more when I am hitting the Tanning Beds than now..

  • shotgun

    What is a peep?

  • Stefanie


    Hey SG your almost at 2000 posts! What are you gonna get!

  • Athanasius

    French, Scottish, English, Irish, and Native American. My girlfriend is from Russia, so if we have any kids they will be quite a mixture.

  • shera

    Irish,scottish,dutch....(mabey english)

    Some of the names in my family are,Condran,Weir,Smith and Wilson

  • CountryGuy

    1/4 Irish
    1/4 English
    +1/2 Everything Else*
    100% American

    *Choctaw, Cherokee, German, Russian, and Danish.

    Very pale... I'm either WHITE or BURNED.
    Very vocal about the JWs these days.


  • Xena

    czech, german, english, indian

    like the hat dede

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