Wasn't Saddam ousted for doing precisely this sort of thing?

by Simon 398 Replies latest social current

  • blacksheep

    True, Yeru, we should get back on topic.

    Specifically, how many of the families under Sadaam's regime whose family members were brutally murdered were able to get some satisfaction that the murderers were tried and punished?

    How many of the hundreds of thousands of people Saddam gassed/murdered had their pictures flooding the internet, with intense outrage ensuring on the horrible, shocking, inhumane treatment that these Iraqi POW's who were sexually and otherwise "humiliated" have had?

    How many times did Saddam "apologize" for the treatment of his thugs and of his sons?

    How many trials did Saddam and his regime set up to explore the abuse/murder of Iraqi's and others?

    How many women did he apolgize to for allowing institutionalized rape? How many trials were conducted in behalf of these women?

    Where was the public outcry--as has been the incredible outcry from the left--at the discovery of mass graves of still unknown people who died at Sadam's regime hands? Bodies that cannot even be identified today. Who apologized for that? Who took responsibility for those murders?? What satisfaction did the relatives of those MURDERED get from the investigation and trial of their murderers?

    While in no way condoning the deplorable treatment of the POWs, I am incredulous that ANYone with any humanitarian sense would try to equate the military RESERVISTS stupid treatment of Iraqi POWs to that of Saddam's regime.

    The double standard disgusts me.

  • Farkel


    You are not much more than a dim bulb. I hope this comment doesn't get this post deleted.

    : LOL can you get any more pathetic? attacking the spelling! LOL

    : if it bothers you so much maybe you prefer to converse in german or spanish?

    Why? You cannot even speak in English properly.

    : besides if you honestly think saddam posed an immanent threat to the world than any further discussion with you is pointless anyway.

    It's "imminent", realist.. You can't even learn when it is pointed out to you as I did previously. If you cannot learn such simple things which were PREVIOUSLY pointed out to you, why do you think anyone should believe your silly and superficial arguments?

    If you cannot even spell and are not even willing to LEARN to spell when someone points out the fact that you cannot even spell and then you arrogantly press on with your nonsense, why should anyone believe that you can learn anything or listen to anything that does not agree with what you maintain in that same stubborn attitude? The average person would say you are as stubborn as a mule and unwilling to listen to anyone. I would say a much more colorful metaphor about you, should I be allowed to get away with it, you twit.


  • Farkel

    Please give me a call, Cassi. Soon.


  • Zep

    "While in no way condoning the deplorable treatment of the POWs, I am incredulous that ANYone with any humanitarian sense would try to equate the military RESERVISTS stupid treatment of Iraqi POWs to that of Saddam's regime."

    This is so so true. And it is so good to see that America will punish these people....of course they really have no choice but to, now it's out. They would keep it quiet if they could though. See their reluctance to even begin an inquiry into a massare of taliban by the NA and overseen by America CIA dudes. That got a good airing down here in Australia. But thats just crazy talk

    ooops about guantanamo....no accountability again. But they're just criminals and don't deserve a fair trial.

    But, yes it is really really good the US will punish these reservist dudes. And it is really really good they punished Sadam, but only after he threatened their oil in 91 did they start paying him attention Not that the US could have given a damn about his abuse of kurds before hand. It was the do gooder Left that had to first published that issue, if you go check your facts, back in 87...and prior abuses by Saddam. The US couldn't careless about it back then, they were too busy being buddy buddies with Saddam. The double standards disgust me too.

  • Simon
    What happened in Iraq with those prisoners is NOTHING at all like what Saddam did...because these idiots will be punished...and the US Army was investigating BEFORE the press got this story.

    Well, they are going to be punished now that it's been made public but it seems old Donald wasn't concerned about it till then was he?!


    With more details coming out it seems more and more that these wer **not** isolated incidents and that people traded pictures of torture and abuse for gods sake. What a well run outfit, what a bunch of animals, undisciplined thugs and bullies.

    As for "punishment" ... all they are facing is a plane flight home. Wow. They should be locked up for their crimes, don't you agree?

    Yes, abuse under Saddam was more widespread ... but then the US forces have only been there a few months haven't they?! What is worse is that they have gone supposedly under the pretext of saving the people and putting a stop to exactly this sort of thing (after the previous 'reasons' like WoMD fell apart).

  • Yerusalyim
    As for "punishment" ... all they are facing is a plane flight home. Wow. They should be locked up for their crimes, don't you agree?

    Actually, the max punishment for this is 20 years at hard labor. I believe we should let the system work...which is what Rummie was doing...could more have been done? Sure, we can always say that...was this the US policy to treat prisoners like this? Nope.


    That you continuously try to compare the US to the Saddam Regime, or other bad, ugly evil people is sad and unjustified.

  • dubla
    They should be locked up for their crimes, don't you agree?



  • Realist


    again i see it as absolutely possible that aznar lost the election because of the attack.

    but to say the spanish caved would mean the spanish people were originally for the invasion of iraq. this is not the case. 90% were against it. aznar supported the invasion anyway. so even if the opposition to the invation would not have had enough impact to elect the socialists the spanish people never changed their opinion about the iraq issue.


    for someone who cannot even spell his favorite musicians (Rubinstein, Richter etc.) correctly because their names stem from a differenet language you surely make a lot of fuss about english spelling.

    again learn a second language before you criticize someone who takes the effort to learn yours!

    Armseliger Trottel!

    PS: despite making idiotic comments you have not managed to put a single argument on the table.

  • Realist


    the issue just shows that assholes exist in every society. and extreme situations usually carry the assholes to the top.

  • dubla


    Well, they are going to be punished now that it's been made public but it seems old Donald wasn't concerned about it till then was he?!

    i realize we sort of agreed not to discuss any topics (according to your wishes), but i had to comment on this anyhow (i fully expect no reponse, and thats entirely okay). the link you provided as ammunition against rumsfeld definitely shows how upset bush is over this treatment, even reproving rumsfeld for inaction. you are intent on making comparisons between these horrible acts and saddams regime.....can you see the difference between bush and saddam in that vein? bush is hardly condoning this type of activity, whereas saddam (the leader of his country) actually carried out similar atrocities directly..........worlds apart.


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