True, Yeru, we should get back on topic.
Specifically, how many of the families under Sadaam's regime whose family members were brutally murdered were able to get some satisfaction that the murderers were tried and punished?
How many of the hundreds of thousands of people Saddam gassed/murdered had their pictures flooding the internet, with intense outrage ensuring on the horrible, shocking, inhumane treatment that these Iraqi POW's who were sexually and otherwise "humiliated" have had?
How many times did Saddam "apologize" for the treatment of his thugs and of his sons?
How many trials did Saddam and his regime set up to explore the abuse/murder of Iraqi's and others?
How many women did he apolgize to for allowing institutionalized rape? How many trials were conducted in behalf of these women?
Where was the public outcry--as has been the incredible outcry from the left--at the discovery of mass graves of still unknown people who died at Sadam's regime hands? Bodies that cannot even be identified today. Who apologized for that? Who took responsibility for those murders?? What satisfaction did the relatives of those MURDERED get from the investigation and trial of their murderers?
While in no way condoning the deplorable treatment of the POWs, I am incredulous that ANYone with any humanitarian sense would try to equate the military RESERVISTS stupid treatment of Iraqi POWs to that of Saddam's regime.
The double standard disgusts me.