Does the Watchtower Society stunt personal development and growth

by truthseeker 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    but we also have to realize that a similar organizational arrangement has been employed by God since the Genesis of time. Some who left Egypt under Moses' direction balked at his leadership, just as many still balk today at a group of human servants that Jesus identified would lead His flock in the time of his prescense

    I see. Do you mean a "loving" organization in the manner of Jehovah's Witnesses? 15 years ago I was told by 2 different bodies of elders, 3 circuit overseers and in a letter from the Society that I needed 2 eyewitnesses to the rapes inflicted upon me by my father, my mother and their friends.

    When I produced my paternal grandmother and an aunt, I was told their testimony was invalid because (1) they did not stand there and watch my 4 year old self being brutalized, and (2) they were not Jehovah's Witnesses, therefore anything they say must be a lie.

    A cirucuit overseer sat in my living room and said unless I "shut up" he would see to it personally that I was disfellowshiped.

    And this is God's 'spirit directed organization'? Tell me please again and again.

    Do you realize how evil, not wrong, not in error, but evil this rule is? Do you understand that for a child to be believed in this organization, two adults must stand and literally watch this child being raped, must listen to their screams for help, and do nothing. For if they interfered, and acted liked moral human beings, there would be no penetration, therefore no rape.

    And somehow these same two adults who have witnessed this horror, stood by and done nothing, are somehow more honorable, and more believable, people than the child himself/herself? Somehow their testimony carries more weight than the physical damage caused, (how does a child get STDs?). You do understand that in the real world, these same two adults would be charged with a crime.

    I have seen enough of arrogant, judgmental hypocrites such as you to last a lifetime. And if God is anything like you, then I have no problem being killed at Armageddon. I couldn't imagine a worse hell than living in a world populated by billions of people with your attitude.

  • stillajwexelder

    No it boosted my personal growth

  • Theocrat
    truthseeker said: "I invite the audience to comment. Do the Witnesses quote Jesus illustration at the doors"

    I do.

    And concerning the things the Israelites had seen that moved them to is it different for a Christian who sees with "eyes of faith"?

  • Corvin

    Truthseeker, thankyou for outlining with so much accuracy the life and times of the average JW.

    Theocrat, your very presence on this board contradicts everything you say. Think about it. Who appointed you to come here, to an apostate board, against the admonition of the organization, the Moses-like "arrangement" you serve under to give a witness? You reek of hypocrisy and I for one would like to know the name of your congregation and PO so that I can help bind up your conscience a bit tighter in the beliefs you espouse. Please let me help you. You said;

    How do you think the "rank and file" Israelite felt when Moses came off of Sinai saying, "okay I've put markers up there at the base of the mountain, and when we all go up there, nobody can cross the boundaries"? I'm sure some said, "look at this guy, acting like he's the boss of us." Little did they know that they would die if they went past the markers that God TOLD Moses to lay out.

    The "rank and file" of Isreal were schmucks to question Moses, yes! How dare they? I mean, they only saw miracle after miracle performed by God through Moses. They only saw themselves delivered time and again from the Egyptians, and against all odds, with Moses and his staff (not an office staff, but a long stick that has a snake-like alter-ego) at the front of the line giving credit to God for such wonderful and faith inspiring successes. For them to question the autority given Moses by God was absured and foolish. Little do you know or appreciate, apparently, that the only things that bear witness to the authority and credibility of the WTBTS are many failed prophesies and false Scriptural interpretations . . . and please refer to Truthseekers first post in this thread.

    Explain to me, please, (because you are obviously a devinely sanctioned spokesman to come here and preach to a bunch of apostates), Why did the WTBTS join the UN against all reasoning and justification? Why do they have different standards for what constitutes loyalty to Jehovah in different countries, i.e., Malawi Vs. Mexico? And why would they counsel you and warn you if they were to know a JW in good standing, like yourself, frequents and apostate message board? You come here against the admonition of the WTBTS, which is to say, that, you are in effect "balking" at their leadership. You can't have it both ways, turbo.

    Bring it on,


  • Theocrat

    Big Tex I can't even begin to understand your plight, and really can't even begin to comment on it, seeing how I wasn't there and just don't know. All I can say is that is possible for evil MEN to make their way into God's congregation. Read the account of Diotrophes in 3rd John. Someone in your horrible dilema needs extra comfort, extra support. But don't worry about men such as that. Men like that always burn themselves out. Remember the Proverb: "the righteous may fall a dozen times, but he will get back up, but the wicked will stumble due to their calamity, yet they will be destroyed."

  • Theocrat

    Bring what on? I really can't stand Al Franken.

  • truthseeker


    on this note I concur that each of us has our own "faith."

    My faith cannot be your faith, and your faith cannot be mine.

    Once, I was like you. I defended the Witnesses the first time I became Net savvy. I did this because

    a) I thought this was God's organization

    b) I thought I was doing the right thing

    No doubt you are this stage. Maybe you will stay at this stage.

    I was raised in the truth and saw no reason to question it, until I could no longer ignore changing doctrine, outright lies, and the sweeping under the carpet of child sex abuse. My congregation also helped show me the way out.

    I am no less a human because of how I feel.

    I don't think badly of you.

  • truthseeker

    thanks Corvin, and everyone else for your comments.

    This is not a Cinderella shoe topic. Like I said, most people that read this topic may find that a few of the points I raised affected them, and some may find most didn't.

    then, there are cases where brothers did well, got "made up" to an elder and enjoyed the trappings that came with eldership. In a few cases, they got good jobs because of their situation/position.

  • Theocrat

    Nor do I think badly of you, truthseeker. You are of good nature. I also don't think badly of the dude with the Al Franken picture that talks down to me. Even though he talks down to me, I still look at him as he is doing what HE THINKS is right. Of course, like you said, we all have our own faith, but think about Ephesians 4:4 and the "one faith" that Christians have. Its unified because we all have faith in the same thing: God's heavenly Kingdom.

    Just because each of us FEEL that our course is right, doesn't make it so. Because what we believe has no bearing on reality, and in the words of Proverbs 14:15, "even the fool is right in his own eyes".

  • Corvin

    Theocrat: "But don't worry about men such as that."

    We were warned that wrong teachings would come into the congregation. From where do these men and their wrong teachings come from? Where did they come from in Jesus day? The Pharisees set themselves up as scholars of the law and added many oral teachings to the written law and they were critical of the existing religious system and demanded that good Jews adhere to their interpretation of the law. It was burdensome and hypocritical, which Jesus so aptly points out. The wrong teachings and burdens came from the top down, not from below.

    From where do the wrong teachings come into the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses? If you were to say from apostates, you would be so incorrect. An apostate and his wrong teachings can't get within 50 feet of a Kingdom Hall, and you know it. The wrong teachings are coming right down from the top, the Governing Body, the modern day Pharisees.

    I will stay away from men like that and the organization they control, thankyou. Thus, I will not have to worry about men such as that.


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