Does the Watchtower Society stunt personal development and growth

by truthseeker 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    The Haszard family legacy.

    My Dad began full time pioneering in 1951 with an adjusted for inflation nest egg of $50,000.He formed the original start up Bridgewater Massachusetts USA Kingdom Hall.

    Married in 1956 flat broke and busted and the Haszard family has been broken ever since.....

    Read all about my disasterously dysfunctional Jehovah's Witness family @

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    It's really bizarre that, although JWs often lament the lack of ``closeness" and the diminishing of real fraternal bonds that existed in congregations in earlier years, the official policies of WTBTS actually work against their cultivation. Mistrustful of the rank and file and apparently convinced that they can't be trusted to behave in the absence of watchful eyes, WT leaders have issued directives prohibiting large social gatherings; nor are they sensitive to the highly individualised needs for bonding and socialization of the various categories of age groups-- children, pre-teens, adoloscents and the elderly. They seem resistant to the concept that that normal bonding, interaction, and socialization are legitimate human needs and essential to healthful emotional and spiritual development.

    It's a pity that so many of their Kingdom Halls and the property are not used as social centers for the community of JWs in their respective areas when not in use for worship... for ``church suppers," picnics, youth meetings etc. The they wonder why they're hemhorraging young people by the bucket.

  • willyloman
    They seem resistant to the concept that that normal bonding, interaction, and socialization are legitimate human needs and essential to healthful emotional and spiritual development.

    CO to body of elders on the topic of congregational get-togethers: "This is a preaching organization, NOT a social organization."

  • patio34

    Hi Truthseeker,

    That is an excellent post you made at the beginning. I recognized much of it something I not only experienced, but saw the pain it caused my children and many, many others trying to force them to fit the cult standards.

    Thanks for taking the time to put up such good information. It's good that it's recognized what's done to people insidiously.


  • boa

    truthseeker.....I don't think there is a single point in all your posts to your thread that I would'nt agree with. In many ways, you described my youth and later yrs as a honest, true-to-the-org, believing it was da troof JW. Thank god I later got a brain during a low cycle as regards active 'worship', and got a trade with whick i've been able to support my family well enough. Getting that trade also allowed me to go right into bethel within 6 weeks of applying!

    I don't want to go on a rant or address theocrat too much on your thread except to say - NOT SURPRISED! He won't answer any of the real issues. He obviously doesn't get the extremely obvious point that it is FROM THE Governing Body that the abuse issue has become what it has. Its sooo stupid to think its just bad men doing bad things - THAT WASN"T the POINT! Its how the 'bad me' AREN'T dealt with due to a variety of factors.

    Also, I agree that there are certain people who will make a go of a career and higher education but they are the exception and do so at a risk of disparaging remarks and comments. (most likely behind their back too) The general R&F will sit back in 'non-personality' and wait for the big A to save them from their boring uneducated lives.....sheesh.

    Again, truthseeker, your points were great, your tolerance for 'theocrat' admirable.....keep on keepin on.

    boa......jeece, theocrat the parrot - 'raahwk, polly want a cracker'? 'JWs are Da Troof'! 'raahwk ' listen to da parrot' 'raaaaaaaahwk'

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