Terrorism. Yeah, We've Been There.

by Englishman 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • stillajwexelder

    Well said e-man

  • dh

    having also grown up in the uk, hearing about 'another ira car bomb' or 'another ira terrorist attack' was normal, and by the time september 2001 rolled around i'd heard 20 years worth, as well as repeats of years previous, seeing shit get blown up was nothing new, like when the ira blew manchester up, i remember going there and seeing that first hand. i think it's bad that people had to die in 911, but i never had or have any issues with the US being a target... for so long money has flowed freely from the US to the ira, maybe it didn't have government backing, maybe it did, but there certainly appears to have been very little done about it pre september 2001.

    anyone else remember meeting protestors outside branches of mcdonalds in the uk in the 90's? people handing out leaflets going on about how mcdonalds were funding the ira. yeah long live freedom and capitalism.

    as to the question, whether we could resolve the problem with northern ireland, sure, if the British government pulled out, it would please some sections, but as everyone knows, the British aren't the americans, the British like to leave a place in a better state than when they found it, not just blow it up.

    anyway, sorry to go on like this, i just get so freaking sick of hearing stuipid americans rant and rant about their precious america and how badly done to it is and how righteous it is in all it does and blah blah blah, kill you with one hand, feed you with the other... if the us got its fat greedy fingers out of all the pies, it wouldn't even have to worry about being a target... but oh well, pride is worth more than life, and that goes for both the US & the Arab Worlds, as well as whatever other worlds you can think of, Islamic world, Christian World, Jew World, Bushworld, Capitalist World, Free World, Democratic World, Ariel Sharon's Super Deluxe War Crimes World. It's always so easy to point the finger at someone else.

    What a bunch of stupid people we humans are.

  • blacksheep

    What a bunch of stupid people we humans are.

    After reading your irrational post, you are obviously speaking for YOURSELF.

  • dh
    After reading your irrational post

    what was irrational?

  • Simon
    Maybe it's our own experiences of terrorism that prompted us to side immediately with the US after 9/11?

    I don't think so. Practically every country on the planet expressed sympathy for the US after the Sep 11 attack, even someof it's traditional 'enemies' (or non-friendly nations).

    Ultimately, you have to negotiate with terrorsists ... show me a long term terrorism campaign that has been resolved where negotiation and coming to some understanding wasnt part of it **

    ** Note: I do not mean "Yes, we'll giv eyou what you want, just don't blow us up". But the sort of thing done in Northern Ireland, South Africa, Libya etc... where you resolve the things in dispute.

    Most are about sovereignty, power and borders.

    A war in terrorism will be never ending because heavy handed action will just be constantly creating more people and making more entrenched positions on both sides (look at Israel and Palestine). What is needed is to look at the root cause and frequently this is inequality, poverty, injustice and exploitation.

    This though is harder to do because it means aking a long hard look at our *own* actions and possibly giving up some standard of living. Far easier to sit in our comfy armchair and pompously declare that we should send more people to fight I think ...

  • Realist

    i guess i am the only one here who thinks Churchill is the most overestimated politician of the last centruy.

  • Gadget
    ** Note: I do not mean "Yes, we'll giv eyou what you want, just don't blow us up". But the sort of thing done in Northern Ireland, South Africa, Libya etc... where you resolve the things in dispute.

    But thats exactly what HAS been happening in Northern Ireland...........

  • myauntfanny
    i guess i am the only one here who thinks Churchill is the most overestimated politician of the last centruy.

    My understanding (and I am weak on history, as I have a brain that doesn't retain facts very well) was that Churchill admired Hitler and did actually try to negotiate with him. I thought that Churchill was extremely anti-semitic (as were most English people and indeed most of Europe at the time), and that Churchill would not have cared tuppence if Hitler had just kept his activities domestic. But Hitler didn't stop at just exterminating Jews, he wanted to conquer Europe.

  • Realist


    hitler never wanted war with the west. he was talking about conquering land in the east.

    i think from a british and french standpoint it was a great mistake to engage in a war with germany.

  • myauntfanny

    Okay, I told you I was absolute shyte when it comes to history. I can never remember who went where.

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