Should the age of consent for sexual acts be changed?

by RubyTuesday 59 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • truthseeker1

    xlaurax: Where have you been all my life ;) (Well, actually these last few days)

    I was 16 when I first had sex, and I'm perfectly OK with that. It wasn't with a dirty old woman though, although my GF at the time was a tad bit older than me (1.5 yrs).

    Prostitution is legal in some areas, like Nevada. It brings in a ton of money for the state. From what I have read, the taxes on it pay for the entire law enforcement for the state. It was in the San Francisco Chronicle, so i'm not sure how credible it is. Too bad there are SO many people who have such hang-ups with sex, that it won't be legal. Not that I'd frequent such places, too many other things to do (no pun intended) in Nevada (Las Vegas) than have sex with some whore.

  • five_crew

    It is funny because I was reading a poster in a public bathroom the other day, and the law in this state, states that a four year gap is alright, example a 20 year old can have sex with a 16 year old. But, it is illegal if the four year gap ends up being under the age of 15, example a 17 year old having sex with a 13 year old. I like this law, how many of us went out with older boys or girls that if it were todays standards many would be sex offenders?

  • ApagaLaLuz
    Too bad there are SO many people who have such hang-ups with sex, that it won't be legal.

    I'm one of those people. It would tear me up if my husband or boyfriend were having sex with prostitutes. I was in Rosarito once and a friend of mine brought a mexican hooker to our room that we were sharing when he thought I was asleep. It was creepy and really really bothered me. I've heard reports that an estimated 1in 3 men will be with a prostitute in their life time. That worries me, because I know alot of men.

  • truthseeker1

    Well thats not necessaryily a hang up. Wishing to be managamos (SP?) doesn't mean you have a hang up. I wouldnt want a wife or girlfriend to cheat on me either. (not that I have a wife and a girlfriend )

    But if someone doesn't want to be in a relationship and wishes to have sex with someone who also doesn't want to be in a relationship, then who am I to stop them. As long as nobody gets hurt doing it, then there isn't a big deal.

  • LyinEyes

    I have to say that the age gap makes alot of difference in the way I look at this. I just can't see a 15 yr old girl and a 17 yr old boy being sexually active , or even 18 for that matter and if it is consensual he could go to jail for it. But I would not want my 16 yr old daughter with a man that was over 21,,,much less a much older man. I would question why a man in his late 20's or 30's was interested in my daughter, it would honestly make me very uncomfortable to think of it.

    I guess the mother / protective part of me reacts. If I saw someone,,,,,say flirt with XLaurax who is only 16, it would make me feel uncomfortable. I guess it is because a man that worked for my father when I was 16, tried to take advantage of me at that age, and I was not sexually active, and it was quiet traumatizing to me. But if a guy on this board who was 18, 19, 20, were to flirt with this young lady, it would not bother me . I guess that is just me, and the way I see things.

  • ApagaLaLuz
    But if someone doesn't want to be in a relationship and wishes to have sex with someone who also doesn't want to be in a relationship, then who am I to stop them. As long as nobody gets hurt doing it, then there isn't a big deal.

    I agree with you in this matter Troof. But here's the problem with prostitution: I cannot recall any girls I grew up with ever saying "I want to be a prostitute when I grow up." You may not be getting hurt (using a condom hopefully) but the fast majority of women who end up in that lifestyle have severe emotional issues. True it's 'their choice to do so', but in alot of cases it isnt. The exploitation of women in such a manner has been going on virtually since the begining of time, but to legalize it, and condone it is not right. In my opinion anyway.

    chevy... of the 'usually pretty liberal, but I'm sticking to my guns on this one' class

  • truthseeker1

    Right, its all about age differences. I couldn't possible see myself with someone who is under 21. I'm 26 and thats a 5 year difference. I'm an adult and I enjoy the company of adults. But a boy or girl who is 18, and sleeps with a consenting boy or girl who is 16 shouldn't really be a problem.

    But after the age of 18, a person can join the porn business and do whomever they choose. I'd hate to see girls or boys at age 16 in such a business.

  • ApagaLaLuz
    I couldn't possible see myself with someone who is under 21. I'm 26 and thats a 5 year difference

    Hey Troof you wanna come over here and set some of my guy friends straight? They're pigs :) (guess taht's why I love them :))

    Seriously though, the guys I know who date girls younger than 21 or even younger than 18, arent very mature and feel threatend by women their own age.

    European kids tend to mature quicker than AMerican children. They are exposed to more and given much more responsiblity at an earlier age. I think it's a good thing. American kids turn 21 and lose their minds. in my opinion anyway

  • zen nudist
    zen nudist

    sex is sort of a natural drug and can cause many of the same problems as any drug addiction... and while free for all sex may seem like a good idea, it does reduce aggression and makes everyone much more mellow, the draw back seems to be extinction. the one main example in primates is the Banobo Chimps. they are considered the smartest and least aggressive of all apes, yet they are also the most endangered and near extinction....too much sex and too little aggression seems at terminal combination in the long much for love being the key to eternal life (^_^)

  • Dan-O

    Lyin', here's a couple of paragraphs from the article that I was trying to link earlier. It appeared in the May 4 online edition of The New York Times. I won't post the entire article, out of respect for copyright laws.

    Bottom line: 18 year old has sex with 15 year old & is sent to jail not only for statutory rape, but also for child molestation. Now, what adds an interesting twist to this story ... which really is more about a pair of high school teens doing what comes naturally to hormonally charged kids ... is that we're talking about a black male having sex with a white female in Atlanta. Do you suppose that little details like that affected the girl's family in deciding whether to press charges?

    Child Molesting Conviction Overturned in Georgia Classmate Case

    By ARIEL HART alt
    Published: May 4, 2004

    ATLANTA, May 3 ? The aggravated child molestation conviction of a young man who was 18 when he had sex with a 15-year-old high school classmate was overturned on Monday by the Georgia Supreme Court in a 4-to-3 vote. He was released on his own recognizance, his lawyer said.

    The young man, Marcus Dixon, was also convicted last May of misdemeanor statutory rape, and the justices said prosecutors should have brought that charge alone, without the more serious molesting count. He has been serving a 10-year sentence for molesting; the trial judge must still sentence him for statutory rape, but he has already served more than its one-year maximum term. Mr. Dixon was acquitted of rape, aggravated assault, false imprisonment and sexual battery.

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